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Глава 9

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  • 1. Iob aunswered, and sayde,
  • 2. I knowe it is so of a trueth: For how may a man [compared] vnto God be iustified?
  • 3. If he wil argue with hym, he can not aunswere hym one thing of a thousande.
  • 4. He is wyse in heart and mightie in strength: who hath ben fearce against hym, and hath prospered?
  • 5. He translateth the mountaynes, or euer they be aware it is he that ouerthroweth them in his wrath.
  • 6. He remoueth the earth out of her place, that the pillers therof shake withall.
  • 7. He commaundeth the sunne, and it ryseth not: he closeth vp the starres as vnder a signet.
  • 8. He hym selfe alone spreadeth out the heauens, and goeth vpon the waues of the sea.
  • 9. He maketh the Waynes of heauen, the Orion, the seuen starres, and the secret places of the south.
  • 10. He doth great thinges & vnsearcheable, yea and wonders without number.
  • 11. Lo, when he goeth by me, I shal not see hym, and when he passeth, I shall not perceaue hym.
  • 12. If he be hastie to take away, who wil make him restore it? or who will say vnto hym, what doest thou?
  • 13. God will not withdraw his anger, and the most mightie helpes do stowpe vnder hym:
  • 14. Howe much lesse shall I aunswere him? or howe shoulde I finde out my wordes with him?
  • 15. For though I were righteous, yet might I not geue him one word againe, but mekely submit my selfe to hym as my iudge.
  • 16. If I had called vpon hym, and he had aunswered me, yet woulde I not beleue that he hearde my voyce:
  • 17. He troubleth me so with the tempest, and woundeth me out of measure without a cause,
  • 18. He will not suffer me to take my breath, but filleth me with bitternesse.
  • 19. If [men will speake] of strength, lo he is strong: if [men will speake] of iudgement, who shall bring me in to pleade?
  • 20. If I will iustifie my selfe, myne owne mouth shall condempne me: if I will [put foorth my selfe for] a perfect man, he shall proue me a wicked doer.
  • 21. For though I be an innocent and my conscience cleare, yet am I weery of my lyfe.
  • 22. This is one poynt, and therefore I sayd, He destroyeth both the perfect and vngodly.
  • 23. And though he slay sodaynly with the scourge, yet will he laugh at the punishment of the innocent.
  • 24. As for the worlde it is geuen ouer into the hande of the wicked, and he shall couer the faces of the iudges therof: if not, where is he, or who is he [that can shewe the contrarie?]
  • 25. My dayes are more swyft then a runner, they are gone & haue seene no good thing.
  • 26. They are passed away as the shippes that be good vnder sayle, & as the eagle that fleeth to the pray.
  • 27. If I say, I will forget my complayning, I will ceasse from my wrath, and comfort my selfe:
  • 28. Then am I afrayde of all my sorowes, for I knowe that thou wilt not iudge me innocent.
  • 29. If I be wicked, why then labour I in vayne?
  • 30. If I washe my selfe with snowe water, and make myne handes neuer so cleane at the well:
  • 31. Yet shalt thou dippe me in the myre, and mine owne clothes shal defile me.
  • 32. For he that I must geue aunswere vnto, and with whom I go to the lawe, is not a man as I am:
  • 33. Neither is there any dayesman to lay his hande betweene vs.
  • 34. Let hym take his rodde away from me, yea let hym make me no more afrayde of him,
  • 35. And then shall I aunswere hym without any feare: but because I am not so, I holde me still.
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