Глава 112

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  • 0. [Prayse ye the Lorde.]
  • 1. Blessed is the man that feareth God: he hath great delight in his commaundementes.
  • 2. His seede shalbe mightie vpon the earth: the generation of them that dwell vprightly, shalbe blessed.
  • 3. Riches and plenteousnes shalbe in his house: and his righteousnes endureth for euer.
  • 4. There ariseth vp light in the darknes: vnto them that deale vprightly he is merciful, and louing, and righteous.
  • 5. A good man is mercyfull and lendeth: he wyll guyde his wordes with discretion.
  • 6. For he shalbe neuer moued: and the righteous shall be had in an euerlasting remembraunce.
  • 7. He wyll not be afraide of any euyll tidinges: his heart is setled, he beleueth in God.
  • 8. His heart is strengthened, he will not feare: vntyll he seeth [a mischiefe to fall] vpon his enemies.
  • 9. He hath distributed abrode, he hath geuen to the poore: his righteousnes remayneth for euer, his horne shalbe exalted with glory.
  • 10. The vngodly shall see it, and it wyll greeue hym, he wyll gnashe with his teethe and consume away: the desire of the vngodly shall perishe.
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