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Глава 1

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  • 1. The begynnyng of the Gospel of Iesu Christ, the sonne of God.
  • 2. As it hath ben written in the prophetes: Beholde, I sende my messenger before thy face, whiche shall prepare thy waye before thee.
  • 3. A voyce of hym that crieth in the wyldernesse: Prepare ye the waye of the Lorde, and make his pathes strayght.
  • 4. Iohn did baptize in the wyldernesse, and preached the baptisme of repentaunce, for the remission of sinnes.
  • 5. And all the land of Iurie, and they of Hierusalem, went out vnto hym, and were all baptized of hym in the ryuer of Iordane, confessyng their synnes.
  • 6. Iohn was clothed with Camelles heere, and with a girdle of a skynne about his loynes: and he did eate locustes and wylde hony.
  • 7. And preached, saying: He that is stronger then I, commeth after me, whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to stowpe downe, and vnloose.
  • 8. I haue baptized you with water: but he shal baptize you with the holy ghost.
  • 9. And it came to passe in those dayes, that Iesus came fro Nazareth, of Galilee, &amp; was baptized of Iohn in Iordane.
  • 10. And assone as he was come vp out of the water, he sawe heauen open, &amp; the spirite descending vpon him like a doue.
  • 11. And there came a voyce from heauen: Thou art my deare sonne, in whom I am well pleased.
  • 12. And immediatly the spirite driueth hym into wyldernesse.
  • 13. And he was there in the wyldernesse fourtie dayes, and was tempted of Satan, &amp; was with wylde beastes. And the Angels ministred vnto hym.
  • 14. After that Iohn was deliuered [to prison] Iesus came into Galilee, preachyng the Gospell of the kyngdome of God,
  • 15. And saying: The tyme is come, and the kyngdome of God is at hande: repent, and beleue the Gospell.
  • 16. As he walked by the sea of Galilee, he sawe Simon, and Andrewe his brother, castyng nettes into the sea (for they were fysshers.)
  • 17. And Iesus saide vnto them: Folowe me, and I wyll make you to become fysshers of men.
  • 18. And strayghtway they forsoke their nettes, and folowed hym.
  • 19. And when he had gone a litle further thence, he saw Iames the sonne of Zebedee, and Iohn his brother, which also were in the shippe, mendyng their nettes.
  • 20. And anone he called them: And they lefte their father Zebedee in the shippe with the hired seruauntes, and folowed hym.
  • 21. And they came into Capernaum, &amp; strayghtway, on the Sabboth dayes, he entred into the synagogue, &amp; taught.
  • 22. And they were astonyed at his learnyng: For he taught them, as one that had aucthoritie, &amp; not as the Scribes.
  • 23. And there was in their synagogue, a man vexed with an vncleane spirite, &amp; he cried,
  • 24. Saying: Alas, what haue we [to do] with thee, thou Iesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy vs? I knowe thee what thou art, euen that holy one of God.
  • 25. And Iesus rebuked hym, saying: holde thy peace, and come out of hym.
  • 26. And when the vncleane spirite hadde torne hym, &amp; cryed with a loude voyce, he came out of hym.
  • 27. And they were all amased, insomuch that they demaunded one of another among them selues, saying: What thing is this? What newe doctrine is this? For with aucthoritie commaunded he the fowle spirites, and they obeyed him.
  • 28. And immediatly his fame spread abrode throughout all the region borderyng on Galilee.
  • 29. And foorthwith, when they were come out of the synagogue, they entred into the house of Simon, and Andrewe, with Iames, and Iohn.
  • 30. But Simons wyues mother lay sicke of a feuer: &amp; anone they tell hym of her.
  • 31. And he came, &amp; toke her by the hande, and lyft her vp: and immediatly the feuer forsoke her, and [she] ministred vnto them.
  • 32. And at euen, when the sonne was downe, they brought vnto hym all that were diseased, and them that were vexed with deuyls:
  • 33. And all the citie was gathered together at the dore.
  • 34. And he healed many, that were sicke of diuers diseases, and caste out many deuyls: and suffred not the deuyls to speake, because they knewe hym.
  • 35. And in the mornyng, before day, Iesus, when he was rysen vp, departed, and went out into a solitarie place, and there prayed.
  • 36. And Simon, &amp; they that were with hym, folowed after hym:
  • 37. And when they had founde hym, they sayde vnto hym: all men seke for thee.
  • 38. And he saide vnto them: let vs go into the nexte townes, that I may preache there also: for, therfore am I come.
  • 39. And he preached in their synagogues, in all Galilee, and cast the deuyls out.
  • 40. And there came a leper to hym, besechyng him, and knelyng downe to him, and saying vnto hym: If thou wylt, thou canst make me cleane.
  • 41. And Iesus had compassion on hym, and put foorth his hande, touched hym, and sayth vnto hym: I wyll, be thou cleane.
  • 42. And assoone as he had spoken, immediatly the leprosie departed from hym, and he was made cleane.
  • 43. And after he had geuen hym a strayte commaundement, he sent hym away foorthwith.
  • 44. And sayth vnto hym: See thou saye nothing to any man, but get thee hence, shew thy selfe to the priest, and offer for thy clensyng those thinges which Moyses commaunded, for a witnesse vnto them.
  • 45. But he, assoone as he was departed, began to tell many thynges, and to publishe the saying: insomuch, that Iesus could no more openly enter into the citie, but was without in desert places: And they came to him from euery quarter.
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