Библиографии и обзоры исследований

Bruce, ЕЕ, «Johannine Studies since Westcott's Day,» in Westcott, Epistles (1966 ed., ниже), lix‑lxxvi; Briggs, R. C., RevExp 67 (1970), 411-422; Segovia, E, RSRev 13 (1987), 132-139; Wagner, G., EBNT (1987).


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Bogart, J., Orthodox and Heretical Perfectionism in the Johannine Community as evident in the First Epistle of John (SBLDS 33; Missoula, MT: Scholars, 1977).

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Coetzee, J. C., «The Holy Spirit in 1 John,» Neotestamentica 13 (1981), 43-67.

Cooper, E. J., «The Consciousness of Sin in 1 John,» Laval Théologique et Philosophique 28 (1972), 237-248.

Filson, F. V., «First John: Purpose and Message,» Interpretation 23 (1969), 259-276. Hobbs, H. H., The Epistles of John (Nashville: Nelson, 1983).

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Malatesta, E., Interiority and Covenant: A Study of einai en and menein en in the First Letter of St. John (AnBib 69; Rome: PBI, 1978).

O'Neill, J. C, The Puzzle of 1 John: A New Examination of Origins (London: SPCK, 1966).

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Richards, W. L., The Classification of the Greek Manuscripts of the Johannine Epistles (SBLDS 35; Missoula, MT: Scholars, 1977).

Schnackenburg, R., The Johannine Epistles (New York: Crossroad, 1992). Немецкий оригинал опубликован в 1975 году.

Songer, H. S., «The Life Situation of the Johannine Epistles,» RevExp 67 (1970), 423-432.

Stagg, E, «Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy in the Johannine Epistles,» RevExp 67 (1970), 423-432.

Streeter, B. H., «The Epistles of St. John,» in The Primitive Church (New York: Macmillan, 1929), 86-101.

Vorster, W. S., «Heterodoxy in 1 John,» Neotestamentica 9 (1975), 87-97.

Westcott, B. F., The Epistles of St. John (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966; original ed., 1883). Старая классика.

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