
См. «Библиографию» по 1 Ин. в главе 12, где приведена общая литература по Иоанновым Посланиям.

Bartlet, V., «The Historical Setting of the Second and Third Epistles of St. John,» JTS 6 (1905), 204-216.

Chapman, J., «The Historical Setting of the Second and Third Epistles of St. John,» JTS 5 (1904), 357-368, 517-534.

Donfried, K. P., «Ecclesiastical Authority in 2-3 John,» in L'Évangile de Jean, ed. M. de Jonge (BETL 44; Gembloux: Duculot, 1977), 325-333.

Funk, R. W., «The Form and Structure of II and III John,» JBL 86 (1967), 424-430.

Lieu, J., The Second and Third Epistles of John (Edinburgh: Clark, 1986).

Polhill, J. B., «An Analysis of II and III John,» RevExp 67 (1970), 461-471.

von Wahlde, U. C., «The Theological Foundation of the Presbyter's Argument in 2 Jn (w. 4-6),» ZNW 76 (1985), 209-224.

Watson, D. E, «A Rhetorical Analysis of 2 John according to the Greco‑Roman Convention,» NTS 35 (1989), 104-130.

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