
См. также «Библиографию» к Пастырским письмам в целом в главе 29.

Cook, D., "2 Timothy IV.6-8 and the Epistle to the Philippians", JTS 33 (1982), 168-171.

Johnson, L. T., "II Timothy and the Polemic Against False Teachers: A Reexamination," JRS 6/7 (1978-1979), 1-26.

Malherbe, A. J., "'In Season and Out of Season': 2 Timothy 4:2' ", JBL 103 (1982), 23-41.

Murphy O'Connor, J., "2 Timothy Contrasted with I Timothy and Titus", RB 98 (1991), 403-418.

Prior, M. P., Paul the Letter Writer and the Second Letter to Timothy (JSNTSup 23; Sheffield: JSOT, 1989).

Skeat, T. C, "Especially the Parchments: A Note on 2 Timothy 4:13", JTS ns 30 (1979), 173-177.
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