Глава II. Керигма или керигмы?

  1. Beker, J. С, Paul the Apostle. The Triumph of God in Life and Thought, Fortress/ Τ. & T. Clark 1980
  2. Bornkamm, G. Jesus of Nazareth, 51959, ET Hodder & Stoughton 1960
  3. - Paul, 1969, ET Madder & Stoughton 1971
  4. Brown, R. E., 'The Kerygma of the Gospel according to John', Interpretation, 21, 1967, pp. 387-400, reprinted in New Testament Issues, ed., R. Batey, SCM Press 1970, pp. 210-225
  5. - The Community of the Beloved Disciple, Chapman 1979 Bruce, F. F., Paul, Apostle of the Free Spirit, Paternoster 1977
  6. - 'The Speeches in Acts - Thirty Years After', Reconciliation and Hope: New Testament Essays on Atonement and Eschatology, L. L. Morris Festschrift, ed., R. J. Banks, Paternoster 1974, pp. 53-68
  7. Buck, С. H. and Taylor, G., St Paul: A Study in the Development of his Thought, Scribners 1969
  8. Bultmann, R., Jesus and the Word, 1926, ET Scribners 1934, Fontana 1958
  9. Dodd, С. H., The Apostolic Preaching and its Developments, Hodder & Stoughton 1936
  10. Evans, C. F., 'The Kerygma', JTS, 7, 1956, pp. 25-41
  11. Green, M., Evangelism in the Early Church, Hodder & Stoughton 1970
  12. Hengel, M., Acts and the History of Earliest Christianity, SCM Press/Fortress 1979. ch. I
  13. Jeremias. J., New Testament Theology Vol I - The Proclamation of Jesus, 1971, ET SCM Press 1971
  14. Kränkl, Ε., Jesus der Knecht Gottes: die heilsgeschichtliche Stellung Jesu in den Reden der Apostelgeschichte, Regensburg 1972
  15. Kysar, R., The Fourth Evangelist and his Gospel: an Examination of Contempor- ary Scholarship, Augsburg 1975
  16. Meyer, B. F., The Aims of Jesus, SCM Press 1979
  17. Mounce, R. H., The Essential Nature of the New Testament Preaching, Eerdmans 1960
  18. Mussner, F., The Historical Jesus in the Gospel of St John, 1965, ET Herder 1967
  19. Oepke, Α., Die Missionspredigt des Apostels Paulus, Leipzig 1920 Rensberger, D., Johannim Faith and Liberating Community, Westminster 1988/SPCK 1989
  20. Ridderbos, H., Paul: An Outline of his Theology, 1966, ET Eerdmans 1975
  21. Sanders, E. P., Jesus and Judaism, SCM Press/Fortress 1985
  22. Schnackenburg, R., 'Revelation and Faith in the Gospel of John', Present and Future: Modern Aspects of New Testament Theology, Notre Dame 1966, pp. 122-142
  23. Schulz, S., 'Die Anfänge urchristlicher Verkündigung. Zur Traditions- und Theologiegeschichte der ältesten Christenheit', Die Mitte des Neuen Testaments. Einheit und Vielfalt neutestamentlicher Theologie, E. Schweizer Festschrift, hrsg. U. Luz & H. Weder, Göttingen 1983, pp. 254-271
  24. Schweizer, E., 'Concerning the Speeches in Acts' (1957), ET SLA. pp. 208-216
  25. Smith, D. M., 'Johannine Christianity: Some Reflections on its Character and Delineation', NTS, 21, 1974-75, pp. 222-248; reprinted in Johannine Christianity. Essays on its Setting, Sources and Theology, University of South Carolina 1984, pp. 1-36
  26. - 'The Presentation of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel', Interpretation 31, 1977, pp. 367-378, reprinted 'in Johannine Christianity, pp. 175-189
  27. Stanton, G. TV., Jesus of Nazareth in New Testamint Preaching, Cambridge University Press 1974
  28. Sweet. J. P. M., 'The Kerygma', ExpT, 76, 1964-65, pp. 143-147
  29. Wilckens, U., Die Missionsreden der Apostelgeschicnte, Neukirchen 1961
  30. Ziesler. J., Pauline Christianity, Oxford 1983
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