Глава 34

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  • 1. The hopes of a man voyd of vnderstanding are vaine, and false: and dreames lift vp fooles.
  • 2. Who so regardeth dreames, is like him that catcheth at a shadow, and followeth after the winde.
  • 3. The vision of dreames is the resemblance of one thing to another, euen as the likenesse of a face to a face.
  • 4. Of an vncleane thing, what can be cleansed? And from that thing which is false, what trueth can come?
  • 5. Diuinations, and soothsayings, and dreames are vaine: and the heart fancieth as a womans heart in trauell.
  • 6. If they be not sent from the most high in thy visitation, set not thy heart vpon them.
  • 7. For dreames haue deceiued many, and they haue failed that put their trust in them.
  • 8. The Law shall be found perfect without lies: and wisedome is perfection to a faithfull mouth.
  • 9. A man that hath trauailed knoweth many things: and hee that hath much experience, wil declare wisedome.
  • 10. He that hath no experience, knoweth little: but he that hath trauailed, is full of prudence.
  • 11. When I trauailed, I saw many things: and I vnderstand more, then I can expresse.
  • 12. I was oft times in danger of death, yet I was deliuered because of these things.
  • 13. The spirit of those that feare the Lord shall liue, for their hope is in him that saueth them.
  • 14. Who so feareth the Lord, shall not feare nor be afraid, for hee is his hope.
  • 15. Blessed is the soule of him that feareth the Lord: to whom doeth hee looke? And who is his strength?
  • 16. For the eyes of the Lord are vpon them that loue him, he is their mightie protection, and strong stay, a defence from heat, and a couer from the Sunne at noone, a preseruation from stumbling, and a helpe from falling.
  • 17. He raiseth vp the soule, and lighteneth the eyes: hee giueth health, life, and blessing.
  • 18. Hee that sacrificeth of a thing wrongfully gotten, his offering is ridiculous, and the giftes of vniust men are not accepted.
  • 19. The most high is not pleased with the offerings of the wicked, neither is he pacified for sinne by the multitude of sacrifices.
  • 20. Who so bringeth an offering of the goods of the poore, doeth as one that killeth the sonne before his fathers eyes.
  • 21. The bread of the needie, is their life: he that defraudeth him thereof, is a man of blood.
  • 22. Hee that taketh away his neighbours liuing, slayeth him: and hee that defraudeth the labourer of his hire, is a bloodshedder.
  • 23. When one buildeth, and another pulleth downe, what profite haue they then but labour?
  • 24. When one prayeth, and another curseth, whose voice will the Lorde heare?
  • 25. He that washeth himselfe after the touching of a dead body, if he touch it againe, what auaileth his washing?
  • 26. So is it with a man that fasteth for his sinnes, and goeth againe and doeth the same: who will heare his prayer, or what doeth his humbling profit him?