- 1. And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses, saying:
- 2. Speake vnto the chyldren of Israel, and say vnto them: I am the Lorde your God.
- 3. After the doynges of the lande of Egypt wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doinges of the lande of Chanaan whyther I wyll bryng you, shall ye not do: neither walke in their ordinaunces.
- 4. But do after my iudgementes, and kepe mine ordinaunces, to walke therin: I am the Lorde your God.
- 5. Ye shall kepe therfore mine ordinaunces, and my iudgementes: which if a man do he shall lyue in them: I am the Lorde.
- 6. None shall approche to any kinred of his fleshe, for to vncouer their nakednesse: I am the Lorde.
- 7. The nakednesse of thy father, & the nakednesse of thy mother shalt thou not vncouer, for she is thy mother: therfore shalt thou not discouer her nakednesse.
- 8. The nakednesse of thy fathers wife shalt thou not discouer: for it is thy fathers nakednesse.
- 9. Thou shalt not discouer the nakednesse of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be borne at home, or without.
- 10. Thou shalt not vncouer the nakednesse of thy sonnes daughter, or thy daughters daughter, for that is thyne owne nakednesse.
- 11. The nakednesse of thy fathers wiues daughter begotten of thy father, which is thy sister: thou shalt not discouer her nakednesse.
- 12. Thou shalt not vncouer the nakednesse of thy fathers sister: for she is thy fathers kinswoman.
- 13. Thou shalt not discouer the nakednesse of thy mothers sister: for she is thy mothers kinswoman.
- 14. Thou shalt not vncouer the nakednesse of thy fathers brother, that is, thou shalt not go in vnto his wyfe, whiche is thyne aunt.
- 15. Thou shalt not discouer ye nakednesse of thy daughter in lawe, for she is thy sonnes wyfe: therefore shalt thou not vncouer her nakednesse.
- 16. Thou shalt not vncouer the nakednesse of thy brothers wife, for that is thy brothers nakednesse.
- 17. Thou shalt not discouer the nakednesse of the wyfe and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her sonnes daughter, or her daughters daughter, to vncouer their nakednesse: For they are her kinswomen, and it were wickednesse.
- 18. Thou shalt not take a wyfe and her sister also, to vexe her, that thou wouldest vncouer her nakednesse vpon her in her lyfe [tyme].
- 19. Thou shalt also not go vnto a woman to vncouer her nakednesse, as long as she is put apart for her vncleannesse.
- 20. Moreouer, thou shalt not lye with thy neighbours wyfe, to defile her with seede.
- 21. Thou shalt also not geue of thy seede to offer it vnto Moloch, neither shalt thou defile the name of thy God: I am the Lorde.
- 22. Thou shalt not lye with mankynde as with womankynde, for it is abhomination.
- 23. Thou shalt lye with no maner of beast to defile thy selfe therwith: neither shall any woman stande before a beast to lye downe therto, for it is vnnaturall confusion.
- 24. Ye shall not defile your selues in any of these thinges: for in all these, the nations are defiled whiche I cast out before you.
- 25. Wherthrough the lande is defiled, and I wyll visite the wyckednesse thereof vpon it, yea and the lande it selfe hath vomited out her inhabitauntes.
- 26. Ye shall kepe therfore mine ordinaunces and my iudgementes, and commit none of these abhominations, neither any of your owne nation, nor any strauger that soiourneth among you:
- 27. (For all these abhominations, haue the men of the lande done whiche were before you, and the lande is defiled.)
- 28. Shall not the lande spewe you out also if ye defile it, as it spewed out the nations that were before you?
- 29. For whosoeuer shall commit any of these abhominations, the same soules that commit them shall be cut of from among their people.
- 30. Therefore shall ye kepe myne ordinaunces, that ye commit not one of these abhominable customes whiche were committed before you, and that ye defile not your selues therein: I am the Lorde your God.
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