Глава 13

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  • 1. This is the burthen of Babylon, whiche Esai the sonne of Amos did see.
  • 2. Lift vp the banner vppon the high hyll, call vnto the, wagge your hande, that they may go into the gates of the princes.
  • 3. I haue commaunded my sanctified, I haue also called my valiaunt ones, ioying in my honour to execute my wrath.
  • 4. There is a noyse of a multitude in the mountaynes, lyke as of a great people, a rushing as though the kingdomes of the nations came together: the Lorde of hoastes mustreth his armye to battayle.
  • 5. They come out of a farre countrey from the ende of the heauen, euen the Lorde hym selfe with the ministers of his wrath, to destroy the whole lande.
  • 6. Mourne ye, for the day of the Lord is at hande, and shall come as a destroyer from the almightie.
  • 7. Therefore shall all handes be letten downe, and all mens heartes shall melt away.
  • 8. They shall stande in feare, carefulnes and sorowe shall come vpon them, and they shal haue payne, as a woman that trauayleth with chylde: One shalbe abashed of another, and their faces shall burne like the flame of fire.
  • 9. Beholde, the day of the Lorde shall come terribly and full of indignation, furie & wrath, to make the lande waste, and to roote out the sinners therof.
  • 10. For the starres and planettes of heauen shall not geue their light, the sunne shalbe darkened in the rising, and the moone shall not shine with her light.
  • 11. And I wyll visite the wickednesse of the worlde, and the sinnes of the vngodlye. The high stomakes of the proude wyll I take away, and will lay downe the boasting of the tiraunt.
  • 12. I wyll make a man dearer then fine gold, and a man to be more worth then a golden wedge of Ophir.
  • 13. Therfore I wyll shake the heauens, and the earth shall remoue out of her place in the wrath of the Lorde of hoastes, and in the day of his fearefull indignation.
  • 14. And [Babylon] shalbe as an hunted or chased Doe, and as a sheepe that no man taketh vp: Euery man shall turne to his owne people, and flee eche one into his owne lande.
  • 15. Whoso is founde shalbe shot thorowe: and whoso taketh their part, shalbe destroyed with the sworde.
  • 16. Their chyldren shalbe slayne before their eyes: their house spoyled, and their wiues rauished.
  • 17. For lo, I shall bring vp the Medes against them, whiche shall not regarde siluer, nor be desirous of golde:
  • 18. With bowes shall they destroy the young men, and haue no pitie on women with chylde, and their faces shall not spare the chyldren.
  • 19. And Babylon that glory of kingdomes, and beautie of the Chaldees honour shalbe destroyed, euen as God destroyed Sodome and Gomor.
  • 20. It shall not endure for euer, neither shall there be any more dwelling there from generation to generation: The Arabians shall pitche no tentes there, neither shall the sheepheardes make their foldes there any more.
  • 21. But fearefull wylde beastes shall lye there, and the houses shalbe ful of great Owles, Estriches shall dwell there, and Apes shall daunce there.
  • 22. Wylde cattes shall crye in the palaces, and dragons shalbe in the pleasaunt houses: And as for Babylons tyme it is at hande, and her dayes shall not be prolonged.