- 1. But who hath geuen credence vnto our preaching? or to whom is the arme of the Lorde knowen?
- 2. For he dyd growe before the Lorde like as a braunche, and as a roote in a drye grounde, he hath neither beautie nor fauour: when we loke vpon hym, there shalbe no fairenesse, we shall haue no lust vnto hym.
- 3. He is dispised and abhorred of men, he is such a man as hath good experience of sorowes and infirmities: We haue reckened hym so vile, that we hyd our faces from hym.
- 4. Howbeit, he only hath taken on him our infirmitie, and borne our paynes: Yet we dyd iudge hym as though he were plagued, and cast downe of God.
- 5. Wheras he [notwithstandyng] was wounded for our offences, and smitten for our wickednesse: for the payne of our punishment was layde vpon hym, and with his stripes are we healed.
- 6. As for vs we are all gone astray lyke sheepe, euery one hath turned his owne way: but the Lord hath throwen vpon hym all our sinnes.
- 7. He suffered violence, and was euyll intreated, and dyd not open his mouth: He shalbe led as a sheepe to be slayne, yet shall he be as styll as a lambe before the shearer, and not open his mouth.
- 8. From the prison and iudgement was he taken, and his generation who can declare? for he was cut of from the grounde of the lyuyng, which punishment dyd go vpon hym for the transgression of my people.
- 9. His graue was geuen hym with the condempned, and with the riche man at his death, wheras he did neuer violence nor vnright, neither hath there ben any disceiptfulnesse in his mouth.
- 10. Yet hath it pleased the Lord to smite hym with infirmitie, that when he had made his soule an offeryng for sinne, he might see long lastyng seede: and this deuice of the Lorde shall prosper in his hande.
- 11. Of the trauayle and labour of his soule, shall he see the fruite & be satisfied: My righteous seruaunt shall with his knowledge iustifie the multitude, for he shall beare their sinnes.
- 12. Therfore wyll I geue hym among the great ones his part, and he shall deuide the spoyle with the mightie, because he geueth ouer his soule to death, and is reckened among the transgressours: which neuerthelesse hath taken away the sinnes of the multitude, and made intercession for the misdoers.
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