Глава 10

  • 1. Brethren, my heartes desire & prayer to God for Israel, is, that they myght be saued.
  • 2. For I beare them recorde, that they haue a zeale of God: but not accordyng to knowledge.
  • 3. For they beyng ignoraunt of Gods ryghteousnesse, and goyng about to stablyshe their owne righteousnesse, haue not ben obedient vnto the ryghteousness of God.
  • 4. For Christe is the ende of the lawe, for ryghteousnesse to all that beleue.
  • 5. For Moyses writeth, of the ryghteousnesse which [is] of the lawe, howe that the man which doth those thinges, shall lyue by them.
  • 6. But the ryghteousnesse which is of fayth, speaketh on this wise: Say not thou in thyne heart, who shall ascende into heauen? That is, to fetch Christe downe from aboue.
  • 7. Either who shall descende into the deepe? That is, to fetch vp Christe agayne from the dead.
  • 8. But what sayth he? The worde is nye thee, euen in thy mouth, and in thy heart. This same is the worde of faith, which we preache
  • 9. For if thou shalt knowledge with thy mouth, the Lorde Iesus, and shalt beleue in thyne heart that God raysed hym from the dead, thou shalt be saued.
  • 10. For with the heart man beleueth vnto ryghteousnesse, and with ye mouth man confesseth to saluation.
  • 11. For the scripture sayth: Whosoeuer beleueth on him, shall not be cofounded.
  • 12. There is no difference betwene the Iewe & the Greke: for the same Lorde ouer al, is riche vnto al yt call vpon him.
  • 13. For whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde, shalbe saued.
  • 14. Howe then shall they call on hym, on whom they haue not beleued? Howe shall they beleue on hym of whom they haue not hearde? Howe shal they heare, without a preacher?
  • 15. And howe shall they preache, except they be sent? As it is written: Howe beautifull are the feete of them whiche bryng good tydynges of peace, & bryng good tydynges of good thynges.
  • 16. But they haue not all obeyed ye Gospel. For Esaias sayth: Lorde, who hath beleued our sayinges?
  • 17. So then fayth commeth by hearyng, and hearyng commeth by the worde of God.
  • 18. But I aske: Haue they not hearde? No doubt, their sounde went out into all landes, and their wordes into the endes of the worlde.
  • 19. But I demaunde whether Israel did knowe or not? First Moyses sayth: I wyll prouoke you to enuie, by them that are no people: and by a foolyshe nation I wyll anger you.
  • 20. And Esaias is bolde, and sayeth: I am founde of them that sought me not: I am manifest vnto them that asked not after me.
  • 21. But agaynst Israel he sayeth: All day long haue I stretched foorth my handes vnto a people that beleueth not, but speaketh agaynst me.