
Комментарии и монографические серии

Stöger, A. (NTSR, 1971). См. также работы, помеченные звездочками в библиографии к Флп. в главе 20 и к Кол. в главе 27.

Burtchaell, J. T., Philemon's Problem (Chicago: ACTA Foundation, 1973).

Church, F. F., "Rhetorical Structure and Design in Paul's Letter to Philemon", HTR 71 (1978), 17-33.

Daube, D., "Onesimos", HTR 79 (1986), 40-43.

Derrett, J. D. M., "The Functions of the Epistle to Philemon", ZNW 79 (1988), 63-91.

Elliott, J. H., "Philemon and House Churches", TBT 22 (1984), 145-150.

-, "Patronage and Clientism in Early Christian Society", Forum 3 (#4; 1987), 39-48.

Getty, M. A., "The Theology of Philemon", SBLSP (1987), 503-508.

Goodenough, E. R., "Paul and Onesimus", HTR 22 (1929), 181-183.

Harrison, P. N., "Onesimus and Philemon", ATR 32 (1950), 268-294.

Knox, J., Philemon among the Letters of Paul (rev. ed.; Nashville: Abingdon, 1959).

Lewis, L. Α., "An African American Appraisal of the Philemon Paul Onesimus Triangle", Stony the Road We Trod (Minneapolis: A/F, 1991), 232-246.

Mullins, T. Y., "The Thanksgivings of Philemon and Colossians", NTS 30 (1984), 288-293. Petersen, N. R., Rediscovering Paul: Philemon and the Sociology of Paul's Narrative World (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1985).

Preiss, T., "Life in Christ and Social Ethics in the Epistle to Philemon", Life in Christ (SBT 13; London: SCM, 1954), 32-42.

Riesenfeld, Η., "Faith and Love Promoting Hope [Phim 6]", Paul and Paulinism, eds. M. D. Hooker and S. G. Wilson (London: SPCK, 1982), 251-257.

Soards, M. L., "Some Neglected Theological Dimensions of Paul's Letter to Philemon", PRS 17 (1990), 209-219.

White. J. L., "The Structural Analysis of Philemon", SBLSP (1971), 1-47.

Winter, S. B. C., "Paul's Letter to Philemon", NTS 33 (1987), 1-15.

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