
Adamson J. B. (NICNT, 1976), Blackman, Ε. С. (TBC, 1957); Chester, A. (NTT, 1994); Davids, R. H. (NIGTC, 1982, NIBC, 1984); Dibelius, M. (Hermeneia, 1975); Gench, ET, (ProcC, rev. ed. 1995); Johnson, L. T. (AB 1995); Kugelman, R. (NTM, 1980*); Laws, S. (HNTC, 1980); Martin, R. A. (AugC, 1982); Martin, R. P. (WBC, 1988); Perkins, P. (IBC, 1995); Reicke, Β. (AB, 1964**); Ropes, J. Η. (ICC, 1916); Ross, A. (NICNT, 1954), Sidebottom, E. M. (NCBC, 1967**); Sloyan, G. S. (ProcC, 1977); Tasker, R. V. G. (TNTC, 1956); Townsend, M. J. (EC, 1994); Williams, R. R. (CCNEB, 1965).

Adamson, J. В., James: The Man and His Message (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989).

Baker, W. R., Personal Speech Ethics in the Epistle of James (WUNT 2.68; Tübingen: MohrSiebeck, 1995).

Cabaniss, A. "A Note on Jacob's Homily", EvQ 47 (1975), 219-222.

Cargal, T. B. Restoring the Diaspora: Discursive Structure and Purpose in the Epistle of James (SBLDS 144; Atlanta: Scholars, 1993). Семиотический подход.

Geyser, A. S., "The Letter of James and the Social Condition of His Addressees", Neotestamentica 9 (1975), 25-33.

Hort, F. J. Α., The Epistle of James (London: Macmillan, 1909). Неполный (до 4:7) комментарий известного исследователя XIX века.

Marcus, J., "The Evil Inclination in the Epistle of James", CBQ44 (1982), 606-621.

Martin, R. P., "The Life Setting of the Epistle of James in the Light of Jewish History", Biblical and Near Eastern Studies, ed. G. A. Turtle (W. S. LaSor Festschrift; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978), 97-103.

Mayor, J. В., The Epistle of St James (3d ed.; London: Macmillan, 1913).

Mitton, C. L., The Epistle of James (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966).

Moffatt, J. M., The General Epistles (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1982).

Reese, J. M., "The Exegete as Sage: Hearing the Message of James", BTB 12 (1982), 82-85.

RevExp 66 (#4, 1969) посвящено Посланию Иакова.
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