Библиография главы


Бендер И. Г. К вопросу о делении источников книги Бытия // Записки коллегии востоковедов при Азиатском музее АН СССР. Т. III, вып. 2. Л. 1928.

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Beauchamp P. Création et séparation. P, 1969.

Brueggemann W. Genesis. A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching. Atlanta, 1982.

Cassuto U. A Commentary on the Book of Genesis. Trans, by 1. Abrahams. 2 vol. Jerusalem, 1961.

Engel H. Die Vorfahren Israels in Agypten. Frankfurt, 1979.

Franxman T. W. Genesis and the "Jewish Antiquities" of Flavius Josephus // Bibliotheca Orientalis 35, 1979.

Garrett D. A. Rethinking Genesis. Grand Rapids, 1991.

Hallo W. W. Sumerian Literature Background to the Bible // Bible Review IV, 3 (1988). P.28-38.

Hamilton D. A. The Book of Genesis 1 - 17. Grand Rapids, 1990.

Hillers D. R. Covenant: The History of a Biblical Idea. Baltimore, 1969.

Kidner D. Genesis. An Introduction and Commentary. Chicago, 1967. '

Lagrange M. J. L'authenticité mosanque de la Genèse et la théorie des documents // Revue Biblique 47 (1938). P. 163-183.

Martin-Archard R. Actualité d'Abraham. Neuchâtel, 1969.

Mazar B. The Historical Background of the Book of Genesis // The Early Biblical Period. Historical Studies. Jerusalem, 1986. P. 49-62.

Michaud R. Les Patriarches, histoire et théologie. P, 1975.

Millard A. R., Wiseman D. J. (eds.). Essays on the Patriarchal Narratives. Leicester, 1980.

Moberly R.W.L. Genesis 12 - 50. Sheffield, 1995.

Morris H. M. The Genesis Record. A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of the Beginnings. Grand Rapids, 1976.

Rad G., von. Genesis. A Commentary. Revised Edition. Philadelphia, 1973.

Redford D. B. A Study of the Biblical Story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50). Leiden, 1970. '

Roderson J. Genesis 1 - 11. Sheffield, 1999.

Sama N. M. Genesis. The Jewish Publication Society Torah Commentary. Philadelphia-New York - Jerusalem, 1989.

Sarna N. Understanding Genesis. N. Y., 1970.

Scripture in Context: Essays on the Comparative Method. Ed. by C. D. Evans, W. W. Hallo, J. B. White. Pittsburgh, 1980. (Scripture in Context II - Winona Lakes, 1983.)

Skinner J. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Genesis. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, 1930.

Speiser E. Genesis. The Anchor Bible. 3rd ed. N. Y, 1980.

Van SetersJ. Abraham in History and Tradition. New Haven, 1975.

Van SetersJ. Prologue to History. The Yah wist as Historian in Genesis. Louisville, 1992.

Vergote J. Joseph en Égypte. P, 1959.

Wenham G. J. Genesis. Vol. 1 (chap. 1 - 15), vol. 2 (chap. 16 - 50). The World Biblical Commentary. Dallas, 1992.

Youngblood R. The Genesis Debate. Nashville, 1986.

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