Глава IV. Роль предания

  1. Banks, R., Jesus and the Law in the Synoptic Tradition, Cambridge University Press 1975
  2. Bruce, F. F., Tradition Old and New, Paternoster 1970 - Paul and Jesus, Baker 1974
  3. Bultmann, R., The History of the Synoptic Tradition, 1921 3 1958, ET Blackwell 1963
  4. Campenhausen, H. van, 'Tradition and Spirit in Early Christianity', Tradition and Life in the Church, 1960, ET Collins 1968, pp. 7-18
  5. Carlston, CE., The Parables of the Triple Tradition, Fortress 1975
  6. Congar, Y., Tradition and Traditions, 1960,1963, ET Burns & Oates 1966
  7. Cullmann, O., 'The Tradition' (1953), The Early Church, ET SCM Press 1956, pp. 59-75
  8. Davies, W. D., The Setting of the Sermon on the Mount, Cambridge University Press 1964
  9. Dibelius, M., From Tradition to Gospel, 1919, 21933, ET Nicholson & Watson 1934; James Clarke 1971
  10. Dodd, С. H., 'Ennomos Christou' (1953), More New Testament Studies, Manchester University Press 1968, pp. 134-48
  11. Dungan, D. L., The Sayings of Jesus in the Churches of Paul, Blackwell 1971
  12. France, R. T. and Wenham, D., ed., Gospel Perspectives. Studies of History and Tradition in the Four Gospels, especially vols. I and 2, JSOT 1980,1981
  13. Fraser, J. W., Jesus and Paul, Marcham 1974
  14. Gerhardsson, В., Memory and Manuscript, Lund 1961 - The Origins of the Gospel Traditions, Fortress/SCM Press 1979
  15. Goppelt, L., 'Tradition nach Paulus', KuD, 4, 1958, pp. 213-33
  16. Hahn, F., 'Das Problem "Schrift und Tradition" im Urchristentum', EvTh 30, 1970, pp. 449-68
  17. Hanson, R. P. С. Tradition in the Early Church, SCM Press 1962
  18. Herford, R. T., Pirke Aboth: The Ethics of the Talmud; Sayings of the Fathers, 1945, Schocken 1962
  19. Hunter, A. M., Paul and his Predecessors, SCM Press 2 1961
  20. Jeremias, J., The Parables of Jesus, 61962, ET SCM Press 1963
  21. Longenecker, R. N., Paul Apostle of Liberty, Harper 1964
  22. McDonald, J. I. H., Kerygma und Didache, SNTSMS 37, Cambridge University 1980
  23. Müller, P. G., Der Traditionsprozess im Neum Testament, Freiburg 1981
  24. Neusner, J., 'Scripture and Tradition in Judaism', Approaches to Ancient Judaism II, ed., W. S. Green, Brown Judaic Studies 9, Scholars 1980, pp. 173-93
  25. Riesenfeld, H., The Gospel Tradition and its Beginnings, Mowbray 1957, reprinted in The Gospel Tradition, Fortress 1970, and Blackwell 1971, pp. 1-29
  26. Riesner, R, Jesus als Lehrer. Eine Untersuchung Cum Ursprung der Evangelien-Überlieferung, WUNT 2.7, Tübingen 1981
  27. Taylor, V., The Formation of the Gospel Tradition, Macmillan 2 1935
  28. Trocmé, Ε., Jesus and his Contemporaries, 1972, ET SCM Press 1973
  29. Wegenast, К., DM Verständnis der Tradition bei Paulus und in den Deutero‑paulinen, Neukirchen 1962
  30. Wengst, K., 'Der Apostel und die Tradition', ZTK, 69, 1972, pp. 145-62
  31. Zimmermann, A. F., Die urchristlichen Lehrer, WUNT 2.12, Tübingen 1984
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