Глава V. Использование Ветхого Завета

  1. Baker, D. L., Two Testaments, One Bible, IVP 1976
  2. Barrett, С. К., 'The Interpretation of the Old Testament in the New', The Cambridge History of the Bible Vol 1: from the Beginnings to Jerome, ed., P. R. Ackroyd and C. F. Evans, Cambridge University Press 1970, pp. 377-411
  3. Barth, M., 'The Old Testament in Hebrews' CINTI, p. 53-78
  4. Barton, J., Oracles of God, Darton, Longman & Todd 1986
  5. Black, M, 'The Christological Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament', NTS, 18, 1971-72. pp. 1-14
  6. Brooke, G. J., Exegesis at Qumran, JSOT Press 1985
  7. Bruce, F. F., Biblical Exegesis in the Qumran Texts, Tyndale Press 1959
  8. Carson, D. A. and Willialnson, H. G. M., It is Written: Scripture Citing Scripture, B. Lindars Festschrift, Cambridge University 1988
  9. Chilton, В., A Galilean Rabbi and his Bible. Jesus ' Own Interpretation of Isaiah. SPCK 1984
  10. Dodd, С. H., According to the Scriptures, Nisbet 1952; Fontana 1967
  11. Ellis, E., E., Paul's Use of the Old Testament, Eerdmans 1957
  12. - Prophecy and Heremeneutic in Early Christianity, Tübingen/Eerdmans 1978
  13. Fitzmyer, J. Α., Essays on the Semitic Background of the New Testament, Chapman 1971, chs I and 2
  14. France, R. T., Jesus and the Old Testament, Tyndale Press 1971
  15. Freed, E. D., Old Testament Quotations in the Gospel of John, SNT, XI, 1965
  16. Goppelt, L., The Typological Interpretation of the Old Testament in the New, 1939, ET Eerdmans 1982
  17. Hanson, A. T., The New Testament Interpretation of Scripture, SPCK. 1980
  18. - The Living Utterances of God. The New Testament Exegesis of the Old, Darton, Longman & Todd 1983
  19. Hams, R., Testimonia, 2 vols, Cambridge University Press 1916, 1920
  20. Juel, D., Messianic Exegesis. Christological Interpretation of the Old Testanunt in Early Christianity, Fortress 1988
  21. Kistemaker, S., The Psalm Citations in the Epistle to the Hebrews, Amsterdam 1961
  22. Lindars, В., New Testament Apologetic, SCM Press 1961
  23. Lindars, B. and Borgen, P., 'The Place of the Old Testament in the Formation of New Testament Theology: Prolegomena and Response' NTS, 23, 1976-77, pp. 59-75
  24. Longenecker, R. N., Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period, Eerdmans 1975
  25. McConnell, R. S., Law and Prophecy in Matthew's Gospel: the Authority and Use of the Old Testament in the Gospel of Matthew, Basel 1969
  26. McNamara, M., The New Testament and the Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch, Ana‑lecta Biblica 27, Rome 1966
  27. Michel, O., Paulus und seine Bibel, Gütersloh 1929
  28. Miller, M. P., 'Targum, Midrash and the Use of the Old Testament', JSJ, 2, 1971, pp. 29-82 Moo, D. J., The Old Testament in the Gaspel Passion Narratives, Almond 1983 Neusner, J., Midrash in Context. Exegesis in Formative Judaism, Fortress 1983
  29. Patte, D., Early Jewish Hermeneutic in Palestine, SBL Dissertation Series 22, 1975
  30. Smith, D. M., 'The Use of the Old Testament in the New', The Use of the Old Testament in the New and Other Essays, ed., J. M. Efird, Duke University Press 1972, pp. 3-65
  31. Sowers, S. G., The Hermeneutics of Philo and Hebrews, Zurich 1965
  32. Stendahl, K., The School of St Matthew and its Use of the Old Testament, Lund 1954, 21968
  33. Westermann, С, ed., Essays on Old Testament Interpretation, SCM Press 1963
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