Глава IX. Дух и опыт

  1. Βarrett, С. К.., The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Tradition, SPCK. 1947
  2. Beasley‑Murray, G. R., 'Jesus and the Spirit', MBBR, pp. 463-478
  3. Brown, R. E., 'The Paraclete in the Fourth Gospel', NTS, 13, 1966-67, pp. 113-132
  4. Cerfaux, L., The Christian in the Theology of St Paul, 1962, ET Chapman 1967, chs 8 and 9
  5. Chevallier, Μ. - Α., Souffle de Dieu. Le Saint‑Esprit dans le Nouveau Testament, Beauchesne 1978
  6. Congar, Y., I Believe in the Holy Spirit, Seabury/Chapman, 3 vols., 1983
  7. Deissmann, Α., Paul: A Study in Social and Religious History, 21925, ET 1927, Harper 1957
  8. Dunn, J. D. G., Ί Corinthians 15.45 - Last Adam, Life‑giving Spirit', CSNT, pp. 127-141
  9. - Jesus and the Spirit: a Study of the Religious and Charismatic Experience of Jesus and
  10. the first Christians as Reflected in the New Testament, SCM Press 1975
  11. - 'Rom. 7.14-25 in the Theology of Paur, TZ, 31, 1975. pp. 257-73
  12. - 'Rediscovering the Spirit (2)', ExpT94, 1982-83, pp. 9-18
  13. - 'The Spirit of Jesus', and 'The Spirit and Body of Christ', The Holy Spirit: Renewing and Empowering Presence, ed., G. Vandervelde, Wood Lake 1989, pp. 11-43
  14. Gaventa, B. R., From Darkness to Light. Aspects of Conversion in the New Testament, Fortress 1986
  15. George, Α., Communion with God in the New Testament, Epworth 1953
  16. Gunkel, H., Die Wirkungen des heiligen Geistes nach der populäaren Anschauung der apostolischen Zeit und nach der Lehre des Apostels, Paulus, Göttingen 1888
  17. Hamilton, N. Q., The Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul, SJT, Occasional Papers no. 6 1957
  18. Heron, Α. 1. С, The Holy Spirit, Marshall 1983
  19. Hopwood, P. G. S., The Religious Experience of the Primitive Church, Т. & T. Clark 1936
  20. Hull, J. Η. E., The Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles, Lutterworth 1967
  21. Isaacs, Μ. E., The Concept of Spirit, Heythrop Monograph 1, 1976
  22. Jeremias J., The Prayers of Jesus, 1966, ET SCM Press 1967, ch. I Küng, H. and Moltmann. J., ed., Conflicts about the Holy Spirit, Concilium 128, Seabury/T. & T. Clark 1979
  23. Lampe, G. W. H., 'The Holy Spirit in the Writings of St Luke', Studies in the Gospels, ed., D. E. Nineham, Blackwell 1955, pp. 159-200
  24. Lindblom, J., Gesichte und Offonbarungen, Lund 1968
  25. Montague, G. T., The Holy Sprint: Growth of a Biblical Tradition, Paulist 1976
  26. Otto. R., The Idea of the Holy, 1917, ET Oxford University Press 1923
  27. Porterie, I. de la and Lyonnet, S., The Christian Lives by the Spirit, 1965, ET Society of St Paul 1971
  28. Robeck, С. M., ed., Charismatic Experiences in History, Hendrickson 1985
  29. Robinson, H. W., The Christian Experienence of the Holy Spirit, Nisbet 1928
  30. Schillebeeckx, E., Christ. The Christian Experience in the Modern World, SCM Press 1980
  31. Schweizer, Α., The Mysticism of Paul the Apostle, ET A. & C. Black 1931
  32. Schweizer, Ε., The Holy Spirit, SCM Press/Fortress 1978
  33. Smart, N., The Religious Experience of Mankind, 1969, Fontana 1971, chs 1 and 7
  34. Tannehill, R. C, Dying and Rising with Christ, Berlin 1967
  35. Taylor, J. V., The Go‑Between God, SCM Press 1972
  36. Wikenhauser, Α., Pauline Mysticism: Christ in the Mystical Teaching of St Paul, 41956, ET Herder 1960
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