Глава VIII. Таинства

  1. Barrett, С. К., Church, Ministry and Sacraments in the New Testament, Paternoster 1985
  2. Barth, G., Die Taufe in frühchristlicher Zeit, Neukirchen 1981 Earth, К., Church Dogmatics, IV/4, ET T. & T. Clark 1970
  3. Barth, M., Rediscovering the Lord's Supper, Jhohn Knox 1988
  4. Beasley‑Murray, G. R., Baptism in the New Testament, Macmillan 1963; Paternoster 1972
  5. Bornkamm, G., 'Baptism and New Life in Paul' (1939), 'Lord's Supper and Church in Paul' (1956), Early Christian Experience, ET SCM Press 1969, chs V and IX
  6. Brown, R., E., 'The Johannine Sacramentary', 'The Eucharist and Baptism in John', New Testament Essays, Chapman 1965, chs 4 and 5
  7. Brown, S., '"Water‑Baptism" and "Spirit‑Baptism" in Luke‑Acts', Anglican Theological Review 59, 1977, pp. 135-51
  8. Corell, Α., Consummation Est, 1950, ET SPCK. 1958
  9. Cullmann, O., 'The Meaning of the Lord's Supper in Primitive Christian- ity' (1936), ET in 0. Cullmann and F. J. Leenhardt, Essays on the Lord's Supper, Lutterworth 1958, pp. 5-23
  10. - Baptism in the New Testament, 1948, ET SCM Press 1950
  11. - Early Christian Worship, 1950, ET SCM Press 1953, ch. 2
  12. Dinkier, E., 'Die Taufaussagen des Neuen Testaments', Zu Karl Barths Lehre von der Taufe, ed., K.. Viering, Gütersloh 1971, pp. 60-153
  13. Dix, G., The Shape of the Liturgy, Dacre Press, A. & C. Black 1945
  14. Dunn, J. D. G., Baptism in the Holy Spirit, SCM Press 1970
  15. - 'John 6 - a Eucharistie Discourse?' NTS, 17, 1970-71. pp. 328-338
  16. - 'The Birth of a Metaphor - Baptized in Spirit', ExpT 89, 1977-78, pp. 134-138, 173-175
  17. Flemington, W. F., The New Testament Doctrine of Baptism, SPCK. 1948
  18. George, Α., et al., Baptism in the New Testament, 1956, ET Chapman 1964
  19. Jeremias. J., The Eucharistie Words of Jesus, 31960, ET SCM Press 1966
  20. Käsemann, Ε., 'The Pauline Doctrine of the Lord's Supper' (1947-48), ENTT, pp. 108-135
  21. Klappert, В., 'Lord's Supper', NIDNTT, II, 1976, pp. 520-538
  22. Lampe, G. W. H., The Seal of the Spirit, SPCK 1951, 21967
  23. Lean‑Dufour, X., Sharing the Eucharistie Bread. The Witness of the New Testament, 1982, ET Paulist 1987
  24. Lietzmann, Η., Mass and Lord's Supper: a Study in the History of Liturgy, 1926, ET Leiden 1954 Lindars, В., 'Word and Sacrament in the Fourth Gospel', SJT, 29, 1976, pp. 49-63
  25. Marshall, 1. H., Last Supper and Lord's Supper, Paternoster 1980
  26. Marxsen, W., The Lord's Supperas a Christological Problem, 1963, ET Fortress Facet Book 1970
  27. Parratt, J. K., 'Holy Spirit and Baptism', ExpT, 82, 1970-71, pp. 231-235, 266-271
  28. Reumann, J., The Supper of the Lord. The New Testament, Ecumenical Dialogues, and Faith and Order on Eucharist, Fortress 1985
  29. Saldarini, A. J., Jesus and Passover, Paulist 1984
  30. Schnackenburg, R., Baptism in the Thought of St Paul, 1961, ET Blackwell 1964
  31. Schweizer, Ε., The Lord's Supper according to the New Testament, 1956, ET Fortress Facet Book 1967
  32. Wagner, G., Pauline Baptism and the Pagan Mysteries, 1962, ET Oliver & Boyd, 1967
  33. Wedderburn, A. J. M., Baptism and Resurrection. Studies in Pauline Theology against its Graeco‑Roman Background, WUNT 4-4, Tübingen 1987
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