Глава XII. Эллинистическое христианство

  1. Barrett, С. К., 'Pauline Controversies in the Post‑Pauline Period', NTS, 20, 1973-74, pp. 229-245
  2. Bianchi, U., ed., Le Origini dello Gnosticismo, Leiden 1967
  3. Cullmann, O., The Johannine Circle, 1975 ET SCM Press 1976
  4. Dassmann, E., Der Stachel im Fleisch. Paulus in der frühcheitlichm Literatur bis Irenaus, Aschendorff 1979
  5. Dräne, J. W., Paul, Libertine or Legalist?, SPCK 1975
  6. Foerster, W., Gnosis: I Patristic Evidence, 1969; 11 Coptic and Mandate Sources, 1971, ET Oxford University Press 1972, 1974
  7. Grant, R. M., Gnosticism and Early Christianity, 1959, Harper 21966
  8. Hengel, M., 'Between Jesus and Paul', Between Jesus and Paul, SCM Press/ Fortress 1983, pp. 1-29
  9. Käsemann, Ε., The Testament of Jesus, 1966, ET SCM Press 1968, ch. II
  10. Kloppenborg, J. S., The Formation of Q. Trajectories in Ancient Wisdom Collections, Fortress 1987
  11. Knox, W. L., St Paul and the Church of the Gentiles, Cambridge University Press 1939
  12. Koester, H., Introduction to the New Testament. Vol. 2. History and Literature of Early Christianity, Fortress/do Gruyter 1982
  13. Meeks, W. Α., 'The Man from Heaven in Johannine Sectarianism', JBL 91,1972, pp. 44-72
  14. Nock, A. D., 'Early Gentile Christianity and its Hellenistic Background', Essays on the Trinity and the Incarnation, ed., A. E. J. Rawlinson, 1928, pp. 51-156, reissued separately Harper 1964, and reprinted in his Essays on Religion and the Ancient World, ed., Ζ. Stewart, Oxford University Press 1972, pp. 49-133
  15. - 'Gnosticism', HTR, 57, 1964, reprinted in Essays, pp. 940-59
  16. Pagels, E., The Gnostic Gospels, Random House/Weidenfeld 1979
  17. Pagels Ε. H., The Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis: Heracleon 's Commentary on John, SBL Monograph Series 17, Abingdon 1973
  18. - The Gnostic Paul: The Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline Letters, Fortress 1975
  19. Pearson, Β. Α., The Pneumatikos‑Psychikos Terminology in I Corinthians, SBL Dissertation Series 12, 1973
  20. Perkins, P., 'Gnostic Christologies and the New Testament', CBQ 43, 1981, pp. 590-606
  21. Piper, R. Α., Wisdom in the Q‑Tradition. The Aphoristic Teaching of Jesus, SNTSMS 61, Cambridge University 1989
  22. Puech, H. C, in Hennecke, Apocryha, 1, pp. 231-362
  23. Quispel, G., Gnostic Studies, Istanbul, Vol. I 1974, Vol. II 1975
  24. Reitzenstein, R., The Hellenistic Mystery‑Religions. Their Basic Ideas and Significance, Pickwick 1978
  25. Robinson, J. M., 'Logoi Sophon:. On the Gattung of Q', FRP, pp. 84-130, reprinted in Trajectories, pp. 71-113
  26. - ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English, revised Brill 1988
  27. Rudolph, K., Gnosis: the Nature and History of an Ancient Religion, 1977, ET T. & T. Clark 1983
  28. Sanders, J. N., The Fourth Gospel in the Early Church, Cambridge University Press 1943
  29. Schmithals, W., Gnosticism in Corinth, 31969, ET Abingdon 1971
  30. - Paul and the Gnostics, 1965, ET Abingdon 1972
  31. Schneemelcher, W., 'Paulus in der griechischen Kirche des zweiten Jahrhunderts', ZKG, 75, 1964, pp. 1-20
  32. Schottroff, L., Der Glaubende und die feindliche Welt: Beobachtungen zum gnostischen Dualismus und seiner Bedeutung fur Paulus und das Johannesevangelium, Neukirchen 1970
  33. Scroggs, R., 'The Earliest Hellenistic Christianity', Religions in Antiquity: Essays in Memory of E. R. Goodenough, ed., J. Neusner, Leiden 1968, pp. 176-206
  34. Simon, M., St Stephen and the Hellenists in the Primitive Church, Longmans 1958
  35. Smalley, S. S., 'Diversity and Development in John', NTS, 17, 1970-71, pp. 276-292
  36. Troger, K. W., hrsg., Gnosis und Neues Testament: Studien aus Religionswissenschaft und Theologie, Gütersloh 1973
  37. Tuckett, C, Nag Hammadi and the Gospiel Tradition. Synoptic Tradition in the Nag Hammadi Library, T. & T. Clark 1986
  38. Wedderburn, A. J. M., Baptism and Resurrection. Studies in Pauline Theology against its Graeco‑Roman Background, WUNT 44, Tübingen 1987
  39. Wilson, R. M., Gnosis and the New Testament, Blackwell 1968
  40. Yamauchi, E., Pre‑christian Gnosticism, Tyndale Press 1973
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