Глава XIII. Апокалиптическое христианство

  1. Barrett, С. К., The New Testament Background: Selected Documents, SPCK. 1956, pp. 227-55
  2. Baumgarten, J., Paulus und die Apokalyptik, Neukirchen 1975
  3. Beasley‑Murray, G. R., The Kingdom of God, Paternoster 1986
  4. Brown, C, 'The Parousia and Eschatology in the New Testament', NIDNTT, 11, 1976, pp. 901-935
  5. Bultmann, R., History and Eschatology, Edinburgh University Press 1957
  6. Cohn, Ν., The Pursuit of the Millenium, Seeker & Warburg 1957
  7. Collins, A. Y., Crisis and Catharsis. The Power of the Apocalypse, Westminster 1984
  8. Collins, J. J., ed., Apocalypse. The Morphology of a Genre, Semeia 14, 1979
  9. Collins, J. J., The Apocalyptic Imagination. An Introduction to the Jewish Matrix of Christianity, Crossroad 1984
  10. Cullmann, О., Christ and Time, 1946, ET SCM Press 21962
  11. - Salvation in History, 1965, ET SCM Press 1967
  12. Davies, W. D., 'Apocalyptic and Pharisaism', ExpT 59, 1947-48, pp. 233-237, reprinted in Christian Origins and Judaism, Carton, Longman & Todd 1962, pp. 19-30
  13. Fiorenza, E. S., The Book of Revelation. Justice and Judgment, Fortress 1985
  14. Funk, R. W., ed., Apocalypticism, JThC, 6, 1969
  15. Grösser, Ε., Die Naherwartung Jesu, Stuttgarter Bibelstudien 61, 1973
  16. Hanson, P. D., The Dawn of Apocalyptic. The Historical and Sociological Roots of Jewish Apocalyptic Eschatology, Fortress 1975, 21979
  17. Hellholm, D., ed., Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East, Tübingen 1983
  18. Jewett, R., The Thessalonian Correspondence. Pauline Rhetoric and Millenarian Piety, Fortress 1986
  19. Kasemann, E., 'The Beginnings of Christian Theology' (1960), 'On the Subject of Primitive Christian Apocalyptic' (1962), NTQT, chs 4 and 5, also in Funk, Apocalypticism
  20. Keck, L. E., 'Paul and Apocalyptic Eschatology', Interpretation 38, 1984, pp. 229-41
  21. Koch, K., The Rediscovery of Apocalypitic, 1970, ET SCM Press 1972
  22. Kümmel, W. G., Promise and Fulfllent, 31956, ET SCM Press 21961
  23. Laws, S., 'Can Apocalyptic be Relevant?' What about the New Testament? Essays in Honour of Christopher Evans, ed., M. Hooker and C. Hickling, SCM Press 1975, pp. 89-102
  24. Marshall, 1. H., 'Is Apocalyptic the Mother of Christian Theology?', Tradition and Interfire‑tation in the New Testament, E. E. Ellis Festschrift, ed. G. F. Hawthorne, Eerdmans 1987, pp. 33-42
  25. Moltmann, J., Theology of Hope, 51965, ET SCM Press 1967
  26. Moore, A. L., The Parousia in the New Testament, SNT, XIII, 1966
  27. Morris, L., Apocalyptic, Tyndale Press 1973
  28. Pannenberg, W., Revelationas History, 1961, ET Macmillan 1968
  29. Robinson, J. A. T., Jesus and his Coming, SCM Press 1957
  30. Rollins, W. G., 'The New Testament and Apocalyptic', NTS, 17, 1970-71, pp. 454-476
  31. Rowland, C, The Open Heaven. A Study of Apocalypitic in Judaism and Early Christianity, SPCK 1982
  32. Rowley, H. H., The Relevance of Apocalyptic, Lutterworth 1944, 31963
  33. Russell, D. S., The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic, SCM Press 1964
  34. Schmithals, W., The Apocalyptic Movement: Introduction and Interpretation, 1973, ET Abingdon 1975
  35. Schnackenburg, R., God's Rule and Kingdom, 1959, ET Herder 1963
  36. Schweitzer, Α., The Quest of the Historical Jesus, ET A. & C. Black 1910, third edition 1954
  37. Vielhauer, P., et al., in Hennecke, Apocrypha II, Part С
  38. Wiews, J., Jesus' Proclamation of the Kingdom of God, 1892, ET SCM Press 1971
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