Глава XV. Авторитет Нового Завета

  1. Aland, К., The Problem of the New Testament Canon, Contemporary Studies in Theology 2, Mowbray 1962
  2. Barr, J., Old and New in Interpretation, SCM Press 1966
  3. - The Bible in the Modern World, SCM Press 1973
  4. Barrett, С. K., 'The Centre of the New Testament and the Canon', Du Mitte des Neuen Testaments. Einheit and Vielfalt neutestamentlicher Theologie, E. Schweizer Festschrift, hrsg. U. Luz and H. Weder, Göttingen 1983, pp. 5-21
  5. Best, E., 'Scripture, Tradition and the Canon of the New Testament', BJRL 61,1979, pp. 258-289
  6. Brown, R. E., The Critical Meaning of the Bible, Chapman 1982
  7. - Biblical Exegesis and Church Doctrine, Chapman 1985
  8. Bruce, F. F., 'New Light on the Origins of the New Testament Canon', New Dimensions in New Testament Study, ed., R. N. Longenecker and M. C. Tenney, Zondervan 1974, pp. 3-18
  9. - 'Some Thoughts on the Beginning of the New Testament Canon', BJRL 65,1983, pp.37-60
  10. Campenhausen, H., von, The Formation of the Christian Bible, 1968, ET A. & C. Black 1972
  11. Childs, В. S., The New Testament as Canon. An Introduction, SCM Press 1984
  12. Cullmann, O., 'The Plurality of the Gospels as a Theological Problem in Antiquity' (1945), 'The Tradition' (1953), The Early Church: Historical and Theological Studies, ET SCM Press 1956, pp. 39-54, 75-99
  13. Dodd, С. H., The Authority of the Bible, Nisbet 1929
  14. Doty, W. G., Contemporary New Testament Interpretation, Prentice‑Hall 1972
  15. Dungan, D. L., 'The New Testament Canon in Recent Study', Interpretation, 29, 1975, pp. 339-351
  16. Dunn, J. D. G., The Living Word, SCM Press/Fortress 1987
  17. Dunn, J. D. G. and Mackey, J. P., New Testament Theology in Dialogue, SPCK/Westminster 1987
  18. Farmer, W. R. and Farkasfalvy, D. M., The Formation of the New Testamant Canon, Paulist 1983
  19. Fazekas, L., 'Kanon im Kanon', TZ 37, 1981, pp. 19-34
  20. Gamble, H. Y., The New Testament Canon. Its Making and Meaning, Fortress 1985
  21. Hahn, F., 'Die Heilige Schrift als älteste christliche Tradition und als Kanon', Exegetische Beiträge zum ökunlenischen Gespräch, Gottingen 1986, pp. 29-39
  22. Hanson, P. D., The Diversity of Scripture. A Theological Interpretation, Fortress 1982
  23. Kasemann, E., 'Is the Gospel Objective?' (1953), 'The Canon of the New Testament and the Unity of the Church' (1951), ENTT, pp. 482, 95-107
  24. - 'Thoughts on the Present Controversy about Scriptural Interpretation' (1962), NTQT, pp. 260-85
  25. - ed., Das New Testament als Kanon, Göttingen 1970
  26. Kelsey, D. H., The Uses of Scripture in Recent Theology, Fortress and SCM Press 1975
  27. Küng, H., '"Early Catholicism" in the New Testament as a Problem in Controversial Theology', The Living Church, ET Sheed & Ward 1963, pp. 233-293, (published in USA under the title The Council in Action: Theological Reflétions on the Second Vatican Council) Lönning, I., 'Kanon im Kanon '. Zum dogmatischen Grundlagenproblem des neutestamentliehen Kanow, Oslo 1972
  28. Marxsen, W., The New Testament as the Church 's Book, 1966, ET Fortress 1972
  29. Meade. D. G., Pseudonymity and Canon. An Investigation into the Relationship of Authorship and Authority in Jewish and Earliest Christian Tradition, Tübingen/Eerdmans 1986
  30. Mildenberger, F., 'The Unity, Truth and Validity of the Bible', Interpretation, 29, 1975, pp. 391-405
  31. Murray, R., 'How did the Church determine the Canon of Scripture?', Heythrop Journal, 11, 1970. pp. 115-26 Nineham, D. E., The Use and Abuse of the Bible, Macmillan 1976
  32. Ogden, S. M., 'The Authority of Scripture for Theology', Interpretation, 30, 1976, pp. 242-261
  33. Pannenberg, W., Basic Questions in Theology, Vol. 1, 1967, ET SCM Press 1970 Pedersen, S., 'Die Kanonfrage als historisches und theologisches Problem'. Stadia Theologica 21,1977, pp. 83-136
  34. Robinson, J. M., The New Hermeneutic, Harper 1964
  35. Sanders, J. Α., Canon and Community. A Guide to Canonical Criticism, Fortress 1984 Schurmann, Η., 'Auf der Suche nach dem "Evangelisch Katholischen". Zum Thema "Früh‑katholizsmus im ökumenischen Gespräch, Berlin 1983, pp. 71-107 Schweizer, E., 'Scripture - Tradition - Modern Interpretation' Neotestamentica Zürich 1963, pp. 203-235
  36. Sheppard, G. T., 'Canonization. Hearing the Voice of the Same God through Historically Dissimilar Traditions', Interpretation 36, 1982, pp. 21-33
  37. Stendahl, R., 'One Canon is Enough', Meanings. The Bible as Document and as Guide, Fortress 1984, pp. 55-68
  38. Wan, R. W., 'The Problem of the Multiple Letter Canon of the New Testament'. Horizons in Bibiicai Theology 8, 1986 pp. 1-31
  39. Wiles, M. F., 'The Uses of Holy Scripture', What about the New Testament? I Essays in Honour of Christopher Evans, ed., M. Hooker and C. Hickling, SCM Press 1975, pp. 155-64
  40. Zahn, T., Geschichle des neutestamentlichen Kanons, 4- vols, Leipzig 1888-92
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