Исследования Q

Boring, M. E., Sayings of the Risen Jesus (SNTSMS 46; Cambridge Univ., 1982).

-, The Continuing Voice of Jesus (Louisville: W/K, 1992). Переработанный вариант вышеуказанного издания.

Catchpole, D. R., The Quest for Q (Edinburgh: Clark, 1993).

Downing, F. G., «A Genre for Q and a Socio‑Cultural Context for Q», JSNT 55 (1994), 3-26.

Edwards, R. A., A Concordance to Q (Missoula, MT: Scholars, 1975).

A Theology of Q (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1976).

Fairer, Α., «On Dispensing with Q», in Studies in the Gospels, ed. D. E. Nineham (R. H. Light‑fool Festschrift; Oxford: Blackwell, 1955).

Fleddermann, H. T., Mark und Q. A Study of the Overlap Texts (BETL 122; Leuven: Peelers, 1995).

Havener, I., Q: The Sayings of Jesus (Wilmington: Glazier, 1987).

Jacobson, A. D., «The Literary Unity of Q», JBL 101 (1982), 365-389.

-, The First Gospel: An Introduction to Q (Sonoma, CA: Polebridge, 1992).

Kloppenborg, J. S., The Formation of Q (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987).

-, «Bibliography on Q» SBLSP 24 (1985), 103-126.

-, Q Parallels, Synopsis, Critical Notes 8c Concordance (Sonoma, CA: Polebridge, 1988).

-, «The Sayings Gospel Q: Recent Opinions on the People behind the Document», CRBS 1 (1993), 9-34. Обширная библиография

-, ed., The Shape of Q (Minneapolis: A/F, 1994).

Kloppenborg, J. S., et. al., Q Thomas Reader (Sonoma, CA: Polebridge, 1990).

Kloppenborg, J. S., and L. E. Vaage, eds., Early Christianity, Q and Jesus (Semeia 55: Atlanta: Scholars, 1992).

Linnemann, Ε., «Is There a Gospel of Q?» BRev 11 (#4; Aug. 1995), 18-23, 42-43.

Lührmann, D., «The Gospel of Mark and the Sayings Collection Q», JBL 108 (1989), 51-71.

Mack, B. L., The Lost Gospel. The Book of Qand Christian Origins (San Francisco: Harper, 1993).

Meyer, P. D., «The Gentile Mission in Q», JBL 89 (1970), 405-417.

Neirynck, R, «Recent Developments in the Study of Q», in Logia - The Sayings of Jesus, ed. J. Delobel (Leuven: Peelers, 1982), 29-75.

-, Q‑Synopsis: The Double Tradition Passages in Greek (rev. ed.; Leuven: Peeters, 1995).

Piper, R. A., Wisdom in the Q‑tradition (SNTSMS 61; Cambridge Univ., 1989).

-, ed., The Gospel behind the Gospels: Current Studies on Q (NovTSup 75; Leiden: Brill, 1995).

Robinson, J. M., «LOGOI SOPHON: On the Gattung of Q», in Trajectories through Early Christianity, eds., Robinson and H. Koester (Philadelphia: Fortress 1971), 71-113.

-, «International Q Project», JBL 109 (1990), 499-501 и последующие годы.

-, ed., Documenta Q (Leuven: Peeters, 1996-). Первый том рассматривает реконструкции последний двух столетий. В последующих томах будут приведены материалы по каждому из 235 стихов Q.

Tuckett, СМ., «A Cynic Q?» Biblica 70 (1989), 349-376.

-, «On the Relationship between Matthew and Luke», NTS 30 (1984), 130-142.

-, Studies on Q (Edinburgh: Clark, 1995)

-, Qand the History of Early Christianity (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 1996).

Turner, N., «Q in Recent Thought» Exp Tim 80 (1969-1970), 324-328.

Vaage, L. E., Galilean Upstarts: Jesus' First Followers According to Q (Valley Forge, PA: Trinity, 1994).

Vassiliadis, P., «The Nature and Extent of the Q Document», NovT 20 (1978), 49-73. Worden, R. D., «Redaction Criticism of Q: A Survey», JBL 97 (1975), 532-546.

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