Глава 8

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  • 1. In those dayes, when there was a very great company, and had nothyng to eate, Iesus called his disciples to him, & saide vnto them:
  • 2. I haue compassio on the people, because they haue nowe ben with me three dayes, and haue nothyng to eate:
  • 3. And yf I sende them away fastyng to their owne houses, they shall faynt by the way: for diuers of them came fro farre.
  • 4. And his disciples aunswered hym: From whence can a man satisfie these men with bread here in the wildernesse?
  • 5. And he asked the: Howe many loaues haue ye? They sayde, seuen.
  • 6. And he commaunded the people to sit downe on the grounde: And he toke the seuen loaues, and when he had geuen thankes, he brake, and gaue to his disciples, to set before them: And they dyd set them before the people.
  • 7. And they hadde a fewe small fysshes: And when he had blessed, he commaunded them also to be set before them.
  • 8. So they dyd eate, and were suffised: And they toke vp of the broken meate that was left, seuen baskettes full.
  • 9. And they that had eaten, were about foure thousand: And he sent the away.
  • 10. And anone he entred into a shippe, with his disciples, and came into the parties of Dalmanutha.
  • 11. And the Pharisees came foorth, and began to dispute with hym, sekyng of him a signe from heauen, tempting him.
  • 12. And when he had sighed depely in his spirite, he sayth: Why doth this generatio seke a signe? Ueryly I say vnto you, there shall no signe be geue vnto this generation.
  • 13. And he lefte them, and went into the ship agayne, & departed ouer the water.
  • 14. And they had forgotten to take bread [with them] neither had they in the ship with them more then one loafe.
  • 15. And he charged the, saying: Take heede, beware of the leuen of the pharisees, and of the leuen of Herode.
  • 16. And they reasoned among them selues, saying: We haue no bread.
  • 17. And Iesus knewe it, and sayth vnto them: Why reason ye, because ye haue no bread? Perceaue ye not yet, neither vnderstande? Haue ye your heart yet hardened?
  • 18. Haue ye eyes, and see not? and haue ye eares & heare not? Do ye not remember?
  • 19. When I brake fyue loaues among fyue thousande men, howe many baskettes full of broken meate toke ye vp? They say vnto hym, twelue.
  • 20. When I brake seuen among foure thousande, howe many baskettes of the leauynges of the broken meate toke ye vp? They sayde, seuen.
  • 21. And he sayde vnto them: Howe happeneth it, that ye do not vnderstande?
  • 22. And he came to Bethsaida, & they brought a blynde man vnto hym, and desired hym to touche hym.
  • 23. And he caught the blinde by the hand, and led him out of the towne: and whe he had spyt in his eyes, & put his handes vpon him, he asked him if he saw ought.
  • 24. And he loked vp, & saide, I see men: for I perceiue the walke as [they were] trees.
  • 25. After that, he put his handes agayne vpon his eyes, & made hym see: And he was restored, & saw euery man clearely.
  • 26. And he sent hym home to his house, saying: neither go into the towne, nor tell it to any in the towne.
  • 27. And Iesus went out, & his disciples, into the townes that long to Cesarea Philippi: And by the way he asked his disciples, saying vnto them: Whom do men say that I am?
  • 28. And they aunswered: [Some saye that thou art] Iohn Baptist, and some saye, Elias: Agayne, some saye that thou art one of the prophetes.
  • 29. And he sayde vnto them: But whom say ye that I am? Peter aunswereth, & saith vnto him: Thou art very Christe.
  • 30. And he charged them, that they should tell no man of hym.
  • 31. And he began to teache them, howe that the sonne of man must suffer many thynges, & be reproued of the elders, and of the hie priestes, & scribes, and be killed, and after three dayes, aryse agayne.
  • 32. And he spake that saying openly: And Peter toke hym asyde, and began to rebuke hym.
  • 33. But he turned about, and loked on his disciples, and rebuked Peter, saying, go after me Sata: for thou sauerest not the thinges that be of God, but the thinges that be of men.
  • 34. And when he had called the people vnto hym, with his disciples also, he said vnto them: Whosoeuer wyll folow me, let hym forsake hym selfe, and take vp his crosse, and folowe me.
  • 35. For whosoeuer wyll saue his life, shall lose it: But whosoeuer shall lose his life, for my sake & the Gospels, the same shall saue it.
  • 36. For what shall it profite a man, yf he wynne all the worlde, and lose his owne soule?
  • 37. Or what shall a man geue, for a raunsome of his soule?
  • 38. Whosoeuer therfore shalbe ashamed of me, and of my wordes, in this adulterous and synnefull generation: of hym also shall the sonne of man be ashamed, when he commeth in the glorie of his father, with the holy Angels.
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