
Комментарии и монографические серии

* = также и по 2 Фес.: Best, Ε. (HNTC, 1972*); Bruce, F. F. (WBC, 1982*); Donfried, К. P. (NTT, 1993*); Frame, J. (ICC, 1912*); Juel, D. H. (AugC, 1985); Marshall, I. H. (NCBC, 1983*); Morris, L. (NICNT, rev. ed. 1991*); Reese, J. M. (NTM, 1979*); Richard, E. (SP, 1995*); Wanamaker, C. A. (NIGTC, 1990*); Williams, D. J. (NIBC, 1992*).

Библиографии и обзоры исследований

Richard, Ε., ΒΤΒ 20 (1990), 107-115*; см.: Collins, Studies 3-75; Weima, J. A. D., An Annotated Bibliography of the Thessalonian Letters* (Leiden: Brill, 1997/98).

Barclay, J. M. G.,* "Conflict in Thessalonica", CBQ56 (1993), 512-530.

Boers, H., "The Form Critical Study of Paul's Letters: I Thessalonians as a Case Study", NTS 22 (1975-76), 140-158.

Bruce, F. F.,* "St. Paul in Macedonia: 2. The Thessalonian Correspondence", BJRL 62 (1980), 328-345.

Collins, R. F., "A propos the Integrity of I Thes", ETL 55 (1979), 67-106.

-, Studies on the First Letter to the Thessalonians (BETL 66; Leuven: Peeters, 1984).

-, The Birth of the New Testament (New York: Crossroad, 1993). Почти вся книга посвящена 1 Фес.

-, ed., TTC 1-369 (важные статьи, многие из них на английском языке).

Donfried, K. P.,* "The Cults of Thessalonica and the Thessalonian Correspondence", NTS 31 (1985), 336-356.

Gillman, J., "Signals of Transformation in I Thessalonians 4:13-18", CBQ47 (1985), 263-281. - Сравнение с 1 Кор. 15.

Jewett, R.,* The Thessalonian Correspondence: Pauline Rhetoric and Millenarian Piety (Foundations and Facets; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986). Исчерпывающий список возможных пониманий композиции, прекрасная библиография.

-, "Enthusiastic Radicalism and the Thessalonian Correspondence", SBL 1972 Proceedings, 1.181-232.

Johanson, B. C., To All the Brethren. A Text Linguistic and Rhetorical Approach to 1 Thessalonians (CBNTS 16; Uppsala/Stockholm: Almqvist, 1987).

Kaye, B. N.,* "Eschatology and Ethics in First and Second Thessalonians", NovT 17 (1975), 47-57.

Koester, H., "I Thessalonians - Experiment in Christian Writing", Continuity and Discontinuity in Church History, eds. F. F. Church and T. George (G. H. Williams Festschrift; Leiden: Brill, 1979), 33-44.

Lightfoot, J. В., Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul (London: Macmillan, 1895), 1-92. Старая классика.

Longenecker, R. N., "The Nature of Paul's Early Eschatology", NTS 31 (1985), 85-95.

Lührmann, D., "The Beginnings of the Church at Thessalonica", Greeks, Romans, and Christians, eds. D. L. Balch et al. (A. J. Malherbe Festschrift; Minneapolis: A/F, 1990), 237-249.

Malherbe, A. J., "Exhortation in First Thessalonians", NovT 25 (1983), 238-255.

-, Paul and the Thessalonians (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987). Интересный социальный анализ деятельности Павла в Фессалониках.

Mearns, C. L.,* "Early Eschatological Development in Paul: The Evidence of I and II Thessalonians", NTS 20 (1980-1981), 136-157.

Olbricht, Т. Н., "An Aristotelian Rhetorical Analysis of I Thessalonians", Greeks (см. Lührmann выше), 216-236.

Pinnock, C. H., "The Structure of Pauline Eschatology", Evangelical Quarterly 37 (1965), 9-20.

Plevnik, J., "The Taking Up of the Faithful and the Resurrection of the Dead in I Thessalonians 4:13-18", CBQ46 (1984), 274-283. Сравнение с 1 Кор. 15.

-, "I Thess 5, 1-11: Its Authenticity, Intention and Message", Biblica 60 (1979), 71-90.

Schmithals, W.,* "The Historical Situation of the Thessalonian Epistles", Paul and the Gnostics (Nashville: Abingdon, 1972), 123-218.

Smith, Α., Comfort One Another: Reconstructing the Rhetoric and Audience of I Thessalonians (Louisville: W/K, 1995).

Stanley, D. M., " 'Become Imitators of Me': The Pauline Conception of Apostolic Tradition", Biblica 40 (1959), 859-877.

Wanamaker, C. A.,* "Apocalypticism at Thessalonica", Neotestamentica 21 (1987), 1-10.
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