
Комментарии и монографические серии

(* = плюс Флм.; *** = плюс Кол., Еф., Флм.): Веаге, F. W. (BNTC, 3d ed., 1973); Bruce, F. F. (NIBC, 1989); Caird, G. B. (NClarBC, 1976***); Craddock, F. B. (IBC, 1985); Fee, G. D. (NICNT, 1995); Getty, Μ. Α. (NTM, 1980*); Gnilka, J. (NTSR, 1971); Hawthorne, G. F. (WBC, 1983); Houlden, J. L. (PC, 1970***); Koenig, J. (AugC, 1985*); Marshall, I. H. (EC, 1992; NTT, 1993*); Martin, R. P. (NCBC, 1980: хорошая библиография; и TNTC, 2d ed., 1987); Müller, J. J. (NICNT, 1961*); O'Brien, P. T. (NIGTC, 1991); Silva, M. (BECNT, 1992); Thielman, F. (NIVAC, 1995); Vincent, M. R. [ICC, 1955 reprint (orig. 1897)*: сохраняет ценность]; Witherington, В., III (NTIC, 1994).

Barth, К., The Epistle to the Philippians (Richmond: Knox, 1962). Написано знаменитым богословом. [Русский перевод: Барт К., Послание к Филиппийцам (Москва: ББИ, 2008). - Прим. ред.].

Bloomquist, L. G., The Function of Suffering in Philippians (JSNTSup 78; Sheffield: JSOT, 1993).

Collange, J. - F., The Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians (London: Epworth, 1979).

Duncan, G. S., "Were St. Paul's Imprisonment Epistles Written from Ephesus?" ExpTIm 67 (1955-1956), 163-166.

Furnish, V. P., "The Place and Purpose of Phil. Ill", NTS 10 (1963-1964), 80-88.

Garland, D. E., "The Composition and Unity of Philippians", NovT 27 (1985), 141-173. Хорошая библиография.

Gunther, J. J., St. Paul's Opponents and Their Background (NovTSup 35; Leiden: Brill, 1973).

Holladay, C. R., "Paul's Opponents in Philippians 3", Restoration (Quarterly 12 (1969), 77-90.

Jewett, R., "Conflicting Movements in the Early Church as Reflected in Philippians", NovT 12 (1970), 362-390.

-, "The Epistolary Thanksgiving and the Integrity of Philippians", NovT 12 (1970), 40-53.

Klijn, A. F. J., "Paul's Opponents in Philippians III", NovT 7 (1965), 278-284.

Kurz, WS., "Kenotic Imitation of Paul and Christ in Phil 2 and 3", Discipleship in the New Testament, ed. F. Segovia (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1985), 103-126.

Lightfoot, J. B., St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians (4th ed.; London: Macmillan, 1885). Старая классика.

Marshall, LH., "Which Is the Best Commentary? 12. Philippians", ExpTim 103 (1991-1992), 39-42.

Peterlin, D., Paul's Letter to the Philippians in the Light of Disunity in the Church (NovTSup 79; Leiden: Brill, 1995).

Portefaix, L., Sisters Rejoice. Paul's Letter to the Philippians and Luke Acts as Received by First Century Philippian Women (CBNTS 20; Uppsala/Stockholm: Almqvist, 1988).

Reumann, J., "Philippians 3:20-21 - A Hymnic Fragment?" NTS (1984) 593-609.

Schmithals, W., "The False Teachers of the Epistle to the Philippians", Paul and the Gnostics (Nashville: Abingdon, 1972), 65-122.

Thomas, W. D., "The Place of Women in Philippi", ExpTim 83 (1971-1972), 117-120.

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