
Комментарии и монографические исследования

* = также на 2 Петр; ** = также на 2 Пет. и Иуд.

Achtemeier, P.J. (Hermeneia, 1996); Best, E. (NCBC, 1971); Bigg, С. (ICC, 2d ed., 1902**); Craddock, F. B. (WBComp, 1995**); Cranfield, C. E. B. (TBC, I960**); Danker, F. W. (ProC, rev. ed., 1995); Davids, P. H. (NICNT, 1990); Elliott, J. H. (AugC, 1982**); Grudem, W. A. (TNTC, 1988); Hillyer, N. (NIBC, 1992**); Kelly, J. N. D. (HNTC, 1969**); Krodel, G. A. (ProC, 1977); Leaney, A. R. C. (CCNEB, 1967**); Martin, R. P. (NTT, 1994**); Michaels, J. R. (WBC, 1998); Perkins, P. (IBC, 1995**); Senior, D. P. (NTM, 1980*); Stibbs, A. M., and A. F. Walls (TNTC, 1959). Относительно работ, помеченных двумя звездочками, см. также библиографию к главе 34.

Библиографии и обзоры

Martin, R. P., VE 1 (1962), 29-42; Elliott, J.Η., JBL 95 (1976), 243-254; Sylvia, D., BTB 10 (1980), 155-163; JETS 25 (1982), 75-89; Casurella, Α., Bibliography of Literature on First Peter (Leiden: Brill, 1996).

Beare, F. W., The First Epistle of Peter (3d ed.; Oxford Univ., 1970).

Combrink, H. J. B., "The Structure of 1 Peter", Neotestamentica 9 (1975), 34-63.

Cranfield, C. E. B., The First Epistle of Peter (London: SCM, 1950).

Cross, EL., 1 Peter: A Paschal Liturgy (London: Mowbray, 1954).

Elliott, J. H., The Elect and the Holy. An Exegetical Examination of 1 Peter (NovTSup 12; Leiden: Brill, 1996).

-, A Home for the Homeless. A Social Scientific Cnticism of 1 Peter (new ed.; Minneapolis: A/F, 1990).

-, "Disgraced Yet Graced: The Gospel According to 1 Peter in the Key of Honor and Shame," BTB 25 (1995), 166-178.

Furnish, V. P., "Elect Sojourners in Christ: An Approach to the Theology of 1 Peter"Perkins Journal 28 (1975), 1-11.

Goppelt, L., A Commentary on 1 Peter (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993; немецкий оригинал, 1978).

Jonsen, A. R., "The Moral Teaching of the First Epistle of St. Peter", Sciences Ecclésiastiques 16 (1964), 93-105.

McCaughey, J. D., "On Re Reading 1 Peter", Australian Biblical Review 31 (1983), 33-44.

Moule, С. F. D., «The Nature and Purpose of 1 Peter», NTS 3 (1956-1957), 1-11.

Munro, W., Authority in Paul and Peter (SNTSMS 45; Cambridge Univ., 1983).

Neyrey, J. H., "First Peter and Converts", TBT 22 (1984), 13-18.

Selwyn, E. G., The First Epistle of Peter (2d ed.; London: Macmillan, 1947).

Senior, D. P., "The First Letter of Peter", TBT 22 (1984), 5-12.

Talbert, C. H., Perspectives on First Peter (Macon, GA: National Ass. of Baptist Profs, of Religion, 1986).

Thurén, L., The Motivation of the Paraenesis: Discovering Argumentation and Theology in 1 Peter (JSNTSup 117; Sheffield: JSOT, 1995).

van Unnik, W. C., "The Teaching of Good Works in 1 Peter", NTS 1 (1954-1955), 92-110.
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