Глава VI. Концепции служения

  1. Banks, R., Paul's Idea of Community, Paternoster 1980
  2. Barrett, С. K., Church, Ministry, and Sacraments in the New Testament, Paternoster 1985
  3. - The Signs of an Apostle, Epworth 1970
  4. Brockhaus, U., Charisma und Amt; die paulinische Chansmenlehre auf dem Hintergrund der frühchristlichen Gemeinde funktionen, Wuppertal 1972
  5. Brown, R. E., 'The Unity and Diversity in New Testament Ecclesiology', Nov Test, 6, 1963, pp. 298-308, reprinted in New Testament Essays, Chapman 1965, pp. 36-47
  6. Campenhausen, H. von, Ecclesiastical Authority and Spiritual Power in the Church of the First Centuries, 1953, ET A. & C. Black 1965
  7. Davies, W. D., Ά Normative Pattern of Church Life in the New Testament?' (1950), Christian Origins and Judaism, Carton, Longman & Todd 1962, ch. IX
  8. Dunn, J. D. G., Jesus and the Spirit, SCM Press 1975
  9. - 'Models of Christian Community in the New Testament', Strange Gifts, ed. D. Martin and P. Mullen, Blackwell 1984, pp. 1-18
  10. Ellis, Ε. E., Pauline Theology. Ministry and Society, Eerdmans 1989
  11. Evans, C. F., 'Is the New Testament Church a Model?', Is 'Holy Scripture' Christian? and Other Questions, SCM Press 1971, pp. 78-90
  12. Farrer, A. M., 'The Ministry in the New Testament', The Apostolic Ministry, ed., Κ. Ε. Kirk, Hodder & Stoughton 1946, ch. 3
  13. Haacker, K., Jesus and the Church in John, Tübingen 1971
  14. Hahn, F., 'Die Einheit der Kirche und Kirchengemeinschaft in neutestamentlicher Sicht', Beiträge pp. 116-158
  15. Harnack, Α., The Constitution and Law of the Church in the First Two Centuries, 1910, ET Williams & Norgate 1910
  16. Hengel, M., The Charismatic Leader and his Followers, 1968, T. & T. dark 1981
  17. Kasemann, E., 'Ministry and Community in the New Testament', ENTT, ch. III
  18. - 'Unity and Multiplicity in the New Testament Doctrine of the Church', Nov Test, 6, 1963, pp. 290-297, reproduced in NTQT, ch. XIII
  19. Kertelge, K., hrsg., Das kirchliche Amt ml Neuen Testament, Darmstadt 1977
  20. Knox, J., 'The Ministry in the Primitive Church', The Ministry in Historical Perspective, ed., H. R. Niebuhr and D. D. Willianns, Harper 1956, ch. I
  21. Küng, H., The Church, ET Burns & Oates 1968 Lightfoot, J. В., 'The Christian Ministry', St Paul's Epistle to the Philppians, Macmillan 1868. pp. 179-267
  22. Linton, O., Das Problem der Urkirche in der neuren Forschung, Uppsala 1932
  23. Lohfink, G., Jesus and Community. The Social Dimension of Christian Faith, SPCK/Fortress 1985
  24. Manson, T. W., The Church's Ministry, Madder & Stoughton 1948
  25. Perkins, P., Ministering in the Pauline Churches, Paulist 1982
  26. Ramsey, A. M., The Gospel and the Catholic Church, Longmans 1936, second edition 1956
  27. Schillebeeckx, E., Ministry, SCM Press 1981; revised as The Church with a Human Face, SCM Press 1985
  28. Schlier, H., 'The Unity of the Church according to the New Testament', The Reievance of the New Testament, ET Herder 1967, pp. 193-214
  29. Schnackenburg, R., The Church in the New Testament, ET Herder 1965
  30. Schweizer, Ε., Church Order in the New Testament, 1959, ET SCM Press 1961
  31. - 'The Concept of the Church in the Gospel and Epistles of St John', NTETWM, pp. 230-45 Sohm, R., Kirchenrecht, Leipzig 1892
  32. Streeter, Β. H., The Primitive Church, Macmillan 1930
  33. Trilling, W., 'Zum "Amt" im Neuen Testament. Eine methodologische Besinnung', Die Mitte des Neuen Testaments. Einheit und Vielfalt mutestamenlicher Theologie, E. Schweizer Festschrift, hrsg. U. Luz and H. Weder, Gottingen 1983, pp. 317-44
  34. Witherington, В., Women in the Earliest Churches, SNTSMS 59, Cambridge University 1988
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