Глава VII. Типы богослужения

  1. Carrington, P., The Primitive Christian Catechism, Cambridge University Press 1944
  2. Cross, F. L., / Peter- A Paschal Liturgy, Mowbray 1954
  3. Cullmann, O., Early Christian Worship, 1950, ET SCM Press 1953, ch. I
  4. Dalman, G. Jesus‑Joshua, 1922, ET SPCK 1929, ch. VII
  5. Deichgräber, R., Gotteshymnus und Christushymnus in der frühen Christenheit, Göttingen 1967
  6. Delling. G., Worship in the New Tesiament, 1952. ET Darton, Longman & Todd 1962
  7. Dodd, С. H., 'The Primitive Catechism and the Sayings of Jesus', NTETWM, pp. 106-118
  8. Dunn, J. D. G.,'The Responsible Congregation (1 Cor. 14.26-40)', Charisma und Agape (I Koр. 12-14), hrsg. L. De Lorenzi, Rome 1983, pp. 201-236
  9. Goulder, M. D., Midrash and Lection in Matthew, SPCK 1974
  10. Guilding, Α., Tlu Fourth Gospel and Jewish Worship, Oxford University Press 1960
  11. Hahn, F., The Worship of the Early Church, 1970, ET Fortress 1973
  12. Hanson, A. T., Studies in the Pastoral Epistles, SPCK 1968
  13. Hengel, M., 'Hymns and Christology', Bitween Jesus and Paul, SCM Press/ Fortress 1983, pp. 78-96
  14. Hurtado, L. W., One God, One Lord. Early Christian Devotion and Ancient Jewish Monotheism, Fortress/SCM Press 1988
  15. Jeremias, J., The Prayers of Jesus, 1966, ET SCM Press 1967, chs II and III
  16. Jones, D. R., 'The Background and Character of the Lukan Psalms' JTS, 19, 1968, pp. 19-50
  17. Kirby, J. C, Ephesians:. Baptism and Pentecost, SPCK 1968
  18. Lohmeyer, E., Lord of the Temple: A Study of the Relation between Cult and Gospel, 1942, ET Oliver & Boyd 1961
  19. Macdonald, А. В., Christian Worship in the Primitive Church, Ί. & T. Clark 1934
  20. Martin, R. P., Worship in the Early Church, Marshall 1964
  21. - Carmen Christi: Phil. 2.5-11 in recent interpretation and in the setting of early Christian worship, Cambridge University Press 1967, revised Eerdmans 1983
  22. - Tht Spirit and the Congregation. Studies in I Corinthians 12-15, Eerdmans 1984
  23. Morris, L., The New Testament and the Jewish Lectionaries, Tyndale Press 1964
  24. Moule, С. F. D., 'Use of Parables and Sayings as Illustrative Material in Early Christian Cat‑echesis' JTS, 3, 1952, pp. 75-79
  25. - Worship in the New Testament, Lutterworth 1961
  26. Norden, Ε., Agnostos Theos: Untersuchungen zur Formgeschichte religiöser Rede, 1913, reprinted Stuttgart 1956
  27. Oesterley, W. Ο. E., The Jewish Background of the Christian Liturgy, Oxford University Press 1925
  28. Petuchowski. J. J. and Brocke, M., The Lord's Prayer and Jewish Liturgy, Burns & Oates 1978 Reicke, В., 'Some Reflections on Worship in the New Testament', NTETWM, pp. 194-209
  29. Rordorf, W., Sunday: the History of the Day of Rest and Worship in the Earliest
  30. Centuries of the Christian Church, 1962, ET SCM Press 1968
  31. Rowley, H. H., Worship in Ancient Israel, SPCK 1967
  32. Sanders, J. T., The New Testament Christological Hymns: their historical religious background, Cambridge University Press 1971
  33. Selwyn, E. G., The First Epistle of St Peter, Macmillan 1947, pp. 363-466
  34. Wengst, K., Christologische Formeln und Lieder des Urchristentums, Gütersloh 1972, Drifter Teil
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