- 1. But Iob aunswered, and sayde:
- 2. O that my complaynt were truely wayed, and my punishment layde in the balaunces together:
- 3. For nowe it woulde be heauier then the sande of the sea: and this is the cause, that my wordes fayle me.
- 4. For the arrowes of the almightie are vpon me, the poyson therof hath drunke vp my spirite, and the terrible feares of God are set against me.
- 5. Doth the wild asse rore when he hath grasse? or loweth the oxe when he hath fodder [inough]
- 6. That which is vnsauerie, shall it be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the whyte of an egge?
- 7. The thinges that sometime I might not away withel, are nowe my meate for very sorowe.
- 8. O that I might haue my desire, and that God woulde graunt me the thing that I long for:
- 9. O that God would begin and smite me, that he would let his hand go and take me cleane away:
- 10. Then shoulde I haue some comfort, yea I woulde desire him in my payne that he would not spare, for I wil not be against the wordes of the holy one.
- 11. For what powre haue I to endure? And what is myne end, that my soule might be patient?
- 12. Is my strength the strength of stones? or is my fleshe of brasse?
- 13. Is it not so that there is in me no helpe? & that my substaunce is taken from me?
- 14. He that is in tribulation, ought to be comforted of his neyghbour: but the feare of the almightie is cleane away.
- 15. Myne owne brethren passe ouer by me as the water brooke, & as the ouerflowing of waters, whiche do hastly go away,
- 16. Whiche are blackish be reason of the ice, and wherin the snowe is hyd.
- 17. Which when they haue passed by do vanishe, and when the heate commeth they fayle out of their place.
- 18. They depart from the course of their wonted chanell to other places, they runne in vayne and perishe.
- 19. They that went to The man considered them, and they that went to Saba wayted for them.
- 20. But they were confounded in their hope, they came thyther and were ashamed.
- 21. Euen such truely are ye, nowe that ye see my miserie ye are afrayde.
- 22. Did I desire you to bring vnto me, or to geue me any of your substaunce?
- 23. To deliuer me from the enemies hand, or to saue me from the hande of the tyrauntes?
- 24. Teache me, and I will hold my tong: and wherin I haue erred; cause me to vnderstande.
- 25. How strong are the wordes of trueth? and which of you can rebuke or reproue them?
- 26. Do ye imagine to reproue wordes, that the talke of the afflicted shoulde be as the winde?
- 27. Ye fall vpon the fatherlesse, and digge a pit to ouerthrowe your owne frende.
- 28. And therfore be content, & loke now vpon me, and I will not lye before your face.
- 29. Turne I pray you, be indifferent iudges: turne agayne, and ye shall see myne vngiltinesse,
- 30. whether there be any vnrighteousnes in my tongue, or vayne wordes in my mouth.
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