Глава 24

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  • 1. Considering then that there is no time hyd from the almightie, how happeneth it that they which know him do not regarde his dayes?
  • 2. For some men remoue the landemarkes, robbe men of their cattell, and feede of the same:
  • 3. They driue away the asse of the fatherlesse, and take the wydowes oxe for a pledge:
  • 4. They cause the poore to turne out of the way, so that the poore of the earth hyde them selues together.
  • 5. Beholde, as wilde asses in the desert go they foorth to their worke, & ryse betimes to spoyle: Yea the very wildernesse ministreth foode for them & their children.
  • 6. They reape the corne fielde that is not their owne, and let the vineyarde of the vngodly alone.
  • 7. They cause the naked to lodge without garment, and without couering in the colde.
  • 8. They are wet with the showres of the mountaynes, and embrace the rocke for want of a couering.
  • 9. They plucke the fatherlesse from the brest, and take the pledge from the poore.
  • 10. They let hym go naked without clothing, and haue taken away the sheafe of the hungrie.
  • 11. The poore are fayne to labour in their oyle mylles, yea and to treade in their wyne presses, and yet to suffer thirst.
  • 12. Men out of the citie crye vnto the Lord with sighing, the soules of the slayne also crye out, yet God regardeth not their complaynt.
  • 13. Where as they are conuersaunt among them that abhorre the light, they know not his way, nor continue in his pathes.
  • 14. The murtherer ryseth early and killeth the poore and needy, and in the night is as a thiefe?
  • 15. The eye of the adulterer wayteth for the darkenesse, & sayth, There shall no eye see me: and disguiseth his face.
  • 16. In the darke they digge through houses, whiche they marked for them selues in the day time: they knowe not the light.
  • 17. The morning is to them euen as the shadow of death: if one know them, they are in the terrours of the shadowe of death,
  • 18. [The vngodly] is swyft vpon the water: their portion shalbe cursed in the earth, and he shall not beholde the way of the vineyardes.
  • 19. As the drye grounde and heate consume the snowye waters: so shall the graue the sinners.
  • 20. The pitifull man shall forget hym, he shalbe sweete to the wormes, he shalbe no more remembred, & his wickednesse shalbe broken as a tree.
  • 21. He hath oppressed the barren that can not beare, and vnto the wydow hath he done no good.
  • 22. He drue the mightie after hym with his power, and when he was gotten vp no man was sure of lyfe.
  • 23. And though they gaue him to be in safetie, yet his eyes are vpon their wayes.
  • 24. They are exalted for a litle, but [shortly] are gone, brought to pouertie, and taken out of the way, yea and vtterly pluckt of, as the eares of corne.
  • 25. Is it not so? Who will then reproue me as a lyer, and say that my wordes are nothing worth? Bildad proueth that no man is cleane nor without sinne before God.