Глава 10

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  • 1. My soule is cut of though I lyue, I wil powre out my coplaynte against my selfe, and will speake out of the very heauinesse of my soule.
  • 2. I will say vnto God: O do not condempne me, but shewe me wherefore thou contendest so with me?
  • 3. Thinkest thou it welldone to oppresse me? to cast me of beyng the workes of thy handes? and to mayntayne the counsell of the vngodly?
  • 4. Hast thou fleshy eyes? or doest thou loke as a man loketh?
  • 5. Or are thy dayes as the dayes of man? and thy yeres as mans yeres?
  • 6. That thou makest such inquisition for my wickednes, and searchest out my sinne?
  • 7. Whereas thou knowest whether I shall do wickedly or no, and that none can deliuer me out of thyne hande.
  • 8. Thy handes haue made me, & fashioned me altogether rounde about, wilt thou then destroy me?
  • 9. Remember I besech thee that thou madest me as the moulde of the earth, and shalt bring me into dust againe.
  • 10. Hast thou not powred me as it were milke, & turned me to cruddes like cheese?
  • 11. Thou hast couered me with skinne and fleshe, and ioyned me together with bones and sinnowes.
  • 12. Thou hast graunted me life, and done me good: and thy visitation hath preserued my spirite.
  • 13. Thou hast hyd these thinges in thyne heart [yet] I am sure that thou remembrest this thing.
  • 14. If I dyd sinne, thou haddest an eye vnto me, and shalt not pronounce me innocent from myne offence.
  • 15. If I haue done wickedly, wo is me therefore: If I haue done righteously, yet dare I not lift vp my head, so full am I of confusion, and see myne owne miserie.
  • 16. And let it increase, hunte me as a lion, & returne and shew thy selfe maruaylous vpon me.
  • 17. Thou bringest freshe witnesse against me, and thy wrath increasest thou vpon me: diuers and many are the plagues that I am in.
  • 18. Wherfore hast thou brought me out of the wombe? O that I had perished, and that no eye had seene me,
  • 19. And that I were as though I had not ben, but brought from the wombe to the graue.
  • 20. Are not my dayes fewe? Let him then leaue of fro me, and let me a lone, that I may comfort my selfe a litle,
  • 21. Afore I go [thyther from whence] I shall not turne againe, euen to the lande of darknesse and shadowe of death:
  • 22. Yea a lande as darke as darknesse it selfe, and into the shadowe of death where is none order, but the light is there as darknesse.