- 1. Moreouer the Lorde spake vnto Iob, and saide:
- 2. Shall he whom the almightie wyl chasten, contend with him? Should not he which disputeth with God, geue him an aunswere?
- 3. Then Iob aunswered the Lorde, saying:
- 4. Beholde, I am vyle, what shall I aunswere thee, [therefore] I wyll laye my hande vpon my mouth.
- 5. Once haue I spoken, but I wyll saye no more: yea twyse, but I wyl proceede no further.
- 6. Then aunswered the Lorde vnto Iob out of the whirle winde, and saide:
- 7. Girde vp thy loynes now lyke a man: I wyll demaunde of thee, and make thou aunswere.
- 8. Wylt thou disanul my iudgement? or wylt thou condempne me, that thou mayst be righteous?
- 9. Is thy power then lyke the power of God? maketh thy voyce a sounde as his doth?
- 10. Decke thy selfe now with excellencie and maiestie, and araye thy selfe with beautie and glory:
- 11. Cast abrode the indignation of thy wrath, and beholde euery one that is proude, and abase him:
- 12. Loke on euery one that is arrogant, and bring him lowe, & destroy the wicked in their place:
- 13. Hide them in the dust together, and couer their faces in secrete:
- 14. Then wyll I confesse vnto thee also, that thyne owne right hande shall saue thee.
- 15. Beholde the beaste Behemoth, who I made with thee, which eateth haye as an oxe:
- 16. Lo how his strength is in his loynes, and what power he hath in the nauil of his body.
- 17. When he wyll, he spreadeth out his tayle lyke a Cedar tree, all his sinowes are stiffe.
- 18. His bones are lyke pipes of brasse, yea his bones are lyke staues of iron.
- 19. He is the chiefe of the wayes of God, he that made him wyl make his sword to approche vnto him.
- 20. Surely the mountaines bring him foorth grasse, where all the beastes of the fielde take their pastime.
- 21. He resteth him in the shade, in the couerte of the reede and fennes.
- 22. The trees couer him with their shadowe, and the wyllowes of the brooke compasse him about.
- 23. Beholde, he drinketh vp whole ryuers and feareth not, he thinketh that he can drawe vp Iordane into his mouth.
- 24. He taketh it with his eyes, and yet the hunter putteth a bridle into his nose.
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