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  • 0. [To the chiefe musition vpon Nehiloth, <BR />a psalme of Dauid.]
  • 1. Geue eare vnto my wordes O God: vnderstande thou my pensifnesse.
  • 2. Hearken thou vnto the voyce of my crying my kyng and my Lorde: for vnto thee I wyll make my prayer.
  • 3. Thou shalt heare my voyce betymes O God: I wyll early in the morning direct [a prayer] vnto thee, and I wyll looke [for helpe from thee.]
  • 4. For thou art the Lorde that hath no pleasure in wickednesse: neither can any euyll dwell with thee.
  • 5. Suche as be foolishe, can not stande in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquitie.
  • 6. Thou wilt destroy them that make a lye: God wyll abhorre both the bloodthirstie and deceiptfull man.
  • 7. As for me I wyll come into thyne house, [trusting] in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy feare I will humble my selfe in thyne holy temple.
  • 8. Leade me O God in thy righteousnesse, because of myne enemies: make thy way playne before my face.
  • 9. For no trueth is in their mouth, their inwarde partes are very wickednesse: their throte is an open sepulchre, they flatter with their tongue.
  • 10. Destroy thou them O Lord, let them perishe through their owne counsailes: cast them out in the multitude of their vngodlinesse, for they haue rebelled against thee.
  • 11. And all they that trust in thee wyll reioyce, they wyll triumph for euer, because thou defendest them: and they that loue thy name, wyll be ioyfull in thee.
  • 12. For thou O God wylt blesse the righteous: and thou wylt compasse hym about with beneuolence, as with a shielde.