Глава 40

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  • 0. [To the chiefe musition, <BR />a psalme of Dauid.]
  • 1. I wayted patiently vpon God, and he enclined vnto me [his eare]: and heard my crying.
  • 2. He brought me also out of an horrible pyt, out of the dirtie mire: and set my feete vpon a rocke, and directed my goynges.
  • 3. And he hath put a newe song in my mouth: euen a thankesgeuyng vnto our Lorde.
  • 4. Many shall see it, and feare: and shall put their trust in God.
  • 5. Blessed is the man that hath set his hope in God: and turned not vnto the proude, and to such as decline to lyes.
  • 6. O God my Lord, great are thy wonderous workes which thou hast done: & none can count in order thy benefites towarde vs, yf I woulde declare them and speake of them, they shoulde be mo then I am able to expresse.
  • 7. Thou wouldest haue no sacrifice or offeryng, but thou hast opened myne eares: thou hast not required burnt offerynges and sacrifice for sinne.
  • 8. Then sayde I, lo I am come: in the booke of thy lawe it is written of me that I shoulde fulfyll thy wyll O my God, I am content to do it, yea thy lawe is within the middest of my brest.
  • 9. I haue declared thy righteousnes in a great congregatio: lo I wil not refraine my lippes O God thou knowest [it.]
  • 10. I haue not hyd thy ryghteousnesse within my heart: my talkyng hath ben of thy trueth and of thy saluation. I haue not concealed thy louyng mercie and trueth: from the great congregation.
  • 11. Withdrawe not thou thy mercie from me O God: let thy louyng kyndnesse and thy trueth alway preserue me.
  • 12. For innumerable troubles are come about me, my sinnes haue taken such holde vpon me that I am not able to loke vp: yea they are mo in number then the heeres of my head, & my heart hath fayled me.
  • 13. O God let it be thy pleasure to deliuer me: make haste O God to helpe me.
  • 14. Let them be ashamed and confounded together that seke after my soule to destroy it: let them be dryuen backwarde & be put to rebuke that wyshe me euyll.
  • 15. Let them be desolate in recompence of their shame: that say vnto me, fye vpon thee, fye vpon thee.
  • 16. Let all those that seeke thee be glad and ioyfull in thee: and let such as loue thy saluation, say alway God be magnified.
  • 17. As for me I am afflicted and needye, but God careth for me: thou art my ayde and delyuerer, O my God make no long tarying.