Глава 10

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Глава 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
  • 1. A wyse sonne maketh a glad father: but an vndiscrete sonne is an heauinesse vnto his mother.
  • 2. Treasures that are wickedly gotten, profite nothing: but righteousnesse deliuereth from death.
  • 3. The Lorde wyll not let the soule of the righteous suffer hunger: but he taketh away the richesse of the vngodly.
  • 4. An idle hande maketh poore: but a quicke labouring hande maketh riche.
  • 5. Who so gathereth in sommer is wyse: but he that is sluggishe in haruest, bringeth hym selfe to confusion.
  • 6. Blessinges are vpon the head of the righteous: and the mouth of the vngodly kepeth mischiefe in secrete.
  • 7. The memoriall of the iust shall haue a good report: but the name of the vngodly shall stincke.
  • 8. A wyse man wyll receaue warning: but a prating foole shalbe punished.
  • 9. He that walketh vprightly, walketh surely: but whoso goeth a wrong way, shalbe knowen.
  • 10. He that winketh with his eye, wyll cause sorowe: but he that hath a foolishe mouth, shalbe beaten.
  • 11. The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but the mouth of the vngodly kepeth mischiefe in secrete.
  • 12. Hatred stirreth vp strifes: but loue couereth the multitude of sinnes.
  • 13. In the lippes of him that hath vnderstanding, a man shall finde wysdome: but the rod belongeth to the backe of the foolishe.
  • 14. Wyse men lay vp knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is nye destruction.
  • 15. The riche mans goodes are his strong holde: but their owne pouertie feareth the poore.
  • 16. The labour of the righteous [tendeth] to lyfe: but the fruites of the vngodly, to sinne.
  • 17. Nurture kepeth the way of lyfe: but he that refuseth to be nurtured, deceaueth hym selfe.
  • 18. He that hydeth hatred with lying lippes, and he that speaketh slaunder, is a foole.
  • 19. Where much babblyng is, there must needes be offence: and he that refrayneth his lippes, is wyse.
  • 20. The tongue of the iust man is as tried siluer: but the heart of the vngodly is a thyng of naught.
  • 21. The lippes of the ryghteous feede a whole multitude: but fooles shall dye in their owne follie.
  • 22. The blessyng of the Lorde maketh riche: and bryngeth no sorowe of heart with it.
  • 23. A foole doth wickedly, and maketh but a sport of it: but wisdome ruleth the man that hath vnderstandyng.
  • 24. The thing that the vngodly is afraide of, shall come vpon hym: but the ryghteous shall haue their desire.
  • 25. As the tempest, so passeth away the vngodly and is not: but the ryghteous remayneth sure for euer.
  • 26. As vineger is to the teeth, & as smoke is vnto the eyes: euen so is a sluggishe person to them that sendeth him foorth.
  • 27. The feare of the Lorde maketh a long lyfe: but the yeres of the vngodly shalbe shortened.
  • 28. The patient abydyng of the righteous shalbe turned to gladnesse: but the hope of the vngodly shall perishe.
  • 29. The way of the Lord geueth courage vnto the godly: but it is a feare for wicked doers.
  • 30. The ryghteous shall neuer be ouerthrowen: but the vngodly shall not remayne in the lande.
  • 31. The mouth of the iust wyll be talking of wisdome: but the tongue of the frowarde shall be cut out.
  • 32. The lippes of the ryghteous vtter that which is acceptable: but the mouth of the vngodly [speaketh] frowarde thynges.