Глава 22

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Глава 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
  • 1. A good name is more to be desired then great riches: and louing fauour [is better] then siluer and golde.
  • 2. The riche and poore meete together: the Lorde is the maker of them all.
  • 3. A wyse man seeth the plague, and hydeth hym selfe: but the foolishe go on still, and are punished.
  • 4. By humilitie and the feare of the Lorde, [commeth] riches, honour, and life.
  • 5. Thornes and snares are in the way of the frowarde: but he that doth kepe his soule, wyll flee farre from them.
  • 6. Teache a chylde what way he should go: for he shall not leaue it when he is olde.
  • 7. The ryche ruleth the poore, and the borower is seruaunt to the lender.
  • 8. He that soweth wickednes, shal reape wickednes: and the rodde of his anger shall fayle.
  • 9. He that hath a bountifull eye, shalbe blessed: for he geueth of his bread to the poore.
  • 10. Cast out the scorneful man, and so shal strife go out with hym: yea variaunce and sclaunder shall ceasse.
  • 11. Who so loueth cleannes of heart, for the grace of his lippes the kyng shalbe his frende.
  • 12. The eyes of the Lord preserue knowledge: and he ouerthroweth the wordes of the transgressours.
  • 13. The slouthfull body saith there is a Lion without: I might be slaine in the streate.
  • 14. The mouth of straunge women is a deepe pit: wherein he falleth that the Lorde is angrye withall.
  • 15. Foolishnes is bounde in the heart of the chylde: and the rodde of correction shall driue it away.
  • 16. Who so doth a poore man wrong, to increase his owne [riches] and geueth vnto the ryche, at the last commeth to pouertie hym selfe.
  • 17. Bowe downe thyne eare, and heare the wordes of the wise: applie thy mind vnto my doctrine:
  • 18. For it is a pleasaunt thing if thou kepe them in thyne heart, and order them in thy lippes:
  • 19. That thou mayest put thy trust in the Lorde, I haue shewed thee this day the thing that thou knowest.
  • 20. Haue not I warned thee very oft with counsayle and learning,
  • 21. That I might make thee knowe the trueth, that thou with the veritie mightest aunswere them that sende vnto thee?
  • 22. Rob not the poore, because he is poore: and oppresse not the simple in iudgement:
  • 23. For the Lorde him selfe wyll defende their cause, and do violence vnto them that haue vsed violence.
  • 24. Make no frendship with an angrye wylfull man, and walke not with the furious:
  • 25. Lest thou learne his wayes, and receaue hurt to thy soule.
  • 26. Be not thou one of them that binde their hande vpon promise, and are suretie for waightie causes:
  • 27. For if thou hast nothing to pay, they shall take away thy bed from vnder thee.
  • 28. Thou shalt not remoue the auncient lande marke, whiche thy fore elders haue set.
  • 29. Seest thou not that they which be diligent in their businesse stande before kinges, & not among the simple people?