- 1. Wyse women vpholde their house: but a foolishe wyfe plucketh it downe.
- 2. He that walketh vpryghtlye, feareth the Lorde: but he that turneth hym selfe from his wayes, dispiseth hym.
- 3. In the mouth of the foolishe is the rodde of pryde: but the lippes of the wyse wyll preserue them.
- 4. Where no oxen are, there the cribbe is emptie: but much encrease commeth by the toyle of the oxe.
- 5. A faithfull witnesse will not dissemble: but a false recorde wyll make a lye.
- 6. A scornfull body seketh wisdome, and fyndeth it not: but knowledge is easie vnto hym that wyll vnderstande.
- 7. Get thee from a foolishe man, when thou perceauest not in hym the lippes of knowledge.
- 8. The wisdome of the circumspect man, is to vnderstande his way: but the foolishnesse of the vnwise, deceaueth.
- 9. Fooles make but a sport of sinne: but there is a fauourable loue among the ryghteous.
- 10. The heart knoweth his owne soules bitternesse: and the straunger shall not be partaker of his ioy.
- 11. The house of the vngodly shalbe ouerthrowen: but the tabernacle of the righteous shall florishe.
- 12. There is a way which seemeth right vnto a man: but the ende therof are the wayes of death.
- 13. The heart is sorowfull euen in laughter, and the ende of myrth is heauinesse.
- 14. A backe slydyng heart shalbe fylled with his owne wayes: but a good man shall depart from hym.
- 15. An ignorant body beleueth euery worde: but who so hath vnderstanding, loketh well to his goynges.
- 16. A wyse man feareth, and departeth from euyll: but the foole is angry, and counteth hym selfe sure.
- 17. An vnpatient man dealeth foolishly: but he that is well aduised, is hated [of the foole.]
- 18. The ignoraunt haue foolishnesse in possession: but the wyse are crowned with knowledge.
- 19. The euyll shall bowe them selues before the good: and the vngodly shall wayte at the gates of the ryghteous.
- 20. The poore is hated euen of his owne neyghbours: but the riche hath many frendes.
- 21. Who so dispiseth his neighbour, sinneth: but blessed is he that hath pitie of the poore.
- 22. Without doubt they erre that worke wickednesse: but they that muse vpon good thynges, vnto such shall happen mercie and trueth.
- 23. In euery labour there is some profite: but vayne wordes bryng foorth onely penurie.
- 24. Riches are as a crowne vnto the wise: but the ignoraunce of fooles is very foolishnesse.
- 25. A faythfull witnesse deliuereth soules: but a deceiptfull witnesse bryngeth foorth lyes.
- 26. In the feare of the Lord is an assured strength: and his children are vnder a sure defence.
- 27. The feare of the Lorde is a well of lyfe, to auoyde the snares of death.
- 28. In the multitude of people is the kynges honour: but the decay of the people is the confusion of the prince.
- 29. He that is patient hath much vnderstanding: but he that is soone displeased, exalteth foolishnesse.
- 30. A mery heart is the lyfe of the body: but enuie consumeth away the bones.
- 31. He that doth a poore man wrong, blasphemeth his maker: but who so honoureth him, hath pitie on the poore.
- 32. The vngodly is cast away for his iniquitie: but the ryghteous hath a good hope, euen in death.
- 33. Wisdome resteth in the heart of hym that hath vnderstandyng, and it shalbe knowen among them that are vnlearned.
- 34. Righteousnesse setteth vp the people: but the sacrifice of the heathen is sinnefull.
- 35. A discrete seruaunt is a pleasure vnto the kyng: but his wrath is agaynst hym that doth dishonour hym.
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