Глава 31

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Глава 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
  • 1. The wordes of king Lamuel, and the lesson that his mother taught him.
  • 2. What my sonne? what the sonne of my body? and what O my deare beloued sonne?
  • 3. Geue not ouer thy strength & wayes vnto women, which are the destruction euen of kynges.
  • 4. O Lamuel, it is not for kynges, it is not [I say] for kynges to drynke wine, nor princes strong drynke.
  • 5. Lest they by drnkyng forget the lawe, and peruert the iudgement of all poore mens children.
  • 6. Geue strong drynke vnto such as are redy to perishe, and wine vnto those that mourne:
  • 7. That they may drynke it, and forget their miserie and aduersitie.
  • 8. Be thou an aduocate for the dumbe, [to speake] in the cause of all such as be succourlesse in this transitorie worlde.
  • 9. Open thy mouth, defende the thyng that is lawfull and ryght, and the cause of the poore and helpelesse.
  • 10. Who so fyndeth an honest faythfull woman, she is much more worth then pearles.
  • 11. The heart of her husbande may safely trust in her, so that he shall fall into no pouertie.
  • 12. She wyll do hym good, and not euill, all the dayes of her lyfe.
  • 13. She occupieth wooll and flaxe, and laboureth gladly with her handes.
  • 14. She is like a marchauntes ship, that bryngeth her vittayles from a farre.
  • 15. She is vp in the nyght season, to prouide meate for her housholde, and foode for her maydens.
  • 16. She considereth lande, and byeth it: and with the fruite of her handes she planteth a vineyarde.
  • 17. She girdeth her loynes with strength, and fortifieth her armes.
  • 18. And yf she perceaue that her huswiferie doth good, her candell goeth not out by nyght.
  • 19. She layeth her fingers to the spindle, & her hande taketh holde of the distaffe.
  • 20. She openeth her hande to the poore, yea she stretcheth foorth her handes to such as haue neede.
  • 21. She feareth not that the colde of wynter shall hurt her housholde, for all her housholde folkes are clothed with scarlet.
  • 22. She maketh her selfe faire ornametes, her clothyng is white silke and purple.
  • 23. Her husbande is much set by in the gates, when he sitteth among the rulers of the lande.
  • 24. She maketh cloth of silke, and selleth it: and deliuereth girdles vnto the marchaunt.
  • 25. Strength and honour is her clothing, and in the latter day she shall reioyce.
  • 26. She openeth her mouth with wisdome, and in her tongue is the lawe of grace.
  • 27. She loketh well to the wayes of her housholde: and eateth not her bread with idlenesse.
  • 28. Her children arise vp & call her blessed: and her husbande shall make much of her.
  • 29. Many daughters [there be that] gather riches together: but thou goest aboue them all.
  • 30. As for fauour it is deceiptfull, & beautie is a vayne thyng: but a woman that feareth the Lorde, shalbe praysed.
  • 31. Geue her of the fruite of her handes: and let her owne workes prayse her in the gates.