Глава 29

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Глава 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
  • 1. He that is stifnecked and wyll not be refourmed, shall sodaynly be destroyed without any helpe.
  • 2. When the ryghteous are in aucthoritie the people do reioyce: but when the wicked beare rule, the people mourne.
  • 3. Who so loueth wisdome, maketh his father a glad man: but he that kepeth companie with harlottes, spendeth away that he hath.
  • 4. With [true] iudgement the kyng stablissheth the lande: but yf he be a man that oppresse the people with gatherynges, he turneth it vpside downe.
  • 5. Who so flattereth his neighbour, layeth a net for his feete.
  • 6. The sinne of the wicked is his owne snare: but the ryghteous doth syng and reioyce.
  • 7. The righteous considereth the cause of the poore: but the vngodly regardeth no vnderstandyng.
  • 8. Scornefull men bryng a citie into a snare: but wise men turne away wrath.
  • 9. If a wise man contendeth with a foole: whether he be angry or laugh, there is no rest.
  • 10. The bloodthirstie hate the righteous: but the iust seeke his soule.
  • 11. A foole vttereth all his mynde at once: but a wyse man kepeth it in tyll afterwarde.
  • 12. If a prince delight in lyes, all his seruauntes are vngodly.
  • 13. The poore and the lender meete together, and the Lorde lyghteneth both their eyes.
  • 14. The seate of the kyng that faithfully iudgeth the poore, shall continue sure for euermore.
  • 15. The rodde and correction geueth wisdome: but a childe left to his owne will, bryngeth his mother to shame.
  • 16. When the vngodly are multiplied, wickednesse encreaseth: but the ryghteous shall see their fall.
  • 17. Nurture thy sonne with correction, and thou shalt be at rest: yea, he shall do thee good at thine heart.
  • 18. When the worde of God is not preached, the people perishe: but well is hym that kepeth the lawe.
  • 19. A [stubbourne] seruaunt wyll not be the better for wordes: for though he vnderstande, yet will he not regarde them.
  • 20. Seest thou a man that is hastie to speake vnaduisedly? there is more hope in a foole then in hym.
  • 21. He that delicately bryngeth vp his seruaunt from a chylde, shall make hym his maister at length.
  • 22. An angry man stirreth vp strife, and he that beareth euyll will in his mynde doth much euyll.
  • 23. After pryde commeth a fall: but a lowly spirite bryngeth great worshyp.
  • 24. Who so is partner with a thiefe, hateth his owne soule: he heareth blasphemie and telleth it not foorth.
  • 25. He that feareth men shall haue a fall: but who so putteth his trust in the Lorde, is without daunger.
  • 26. Many there be that seke the princes fauour: but euery mans iudgement commeth from the Lorde.
  • 27. The righteous abhorreth the vngodlye: and the wicked hateth hym that is in the ryght way.