Глава 25

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Глава 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
  • 1. These are also parables of Solomon, which the men of Ezekia king of Iuda copied out.
  • 2. It is the glory of God to kepe a thing secrete: but the kynges honour is to searche out a thing.
  • 3. The heauen is hye, the earth is deepe: and the kinges heart is vnsearcheable.
  • 4. Take the drosse from the siluer, and there shalbe a vessell for the siner.
  • 5. Take away the vngodly from the kyng: and his seate shalbe stablished with righteousnesse.
  • 6. Put not foorth thy selfe in the presence of the king, and preasse not into the place of great men:
  • 7. For better is it, that it be sayde vnto thee, come vp hyther: then thou to be put lower in the presence of the priuce whom thou seest with thyne eyes.
  • 8. Be not hastie to go to lawe: lest haplye thou knowest not what to do when thy neighbour hath confounded thee.
  • 9. Handle thy matter with thy neighbour himselfe, and discouer not thy secrete to another:
  • 10. Lest he that heareth it put thee to shame, and thy infamie do not ceasse.
  • 11. A worde spoken in due season, is lyke apples of golde in a graued worke of siluer.
  • 12. Who so reproueth a wyse man that hath an obedient eare, is as a golden earring, and an ornament of fine golde.
  • 13. As the colde of snowe in the tyme of haruest: so is a faythfull messenger to them that sende hym, for he refresheth his maisters mynde.
  • 14. Whoso maketh great boastes and geueth nothing, is lyke cloudes and winde without rayne.
  • 15. With pacience is a prince pacified, and with a softe tongue is rigorousnesse broken.
  • 16. If thou findest honie, eate so muche as is sufficient for thee: lest thou be ouer full, and parbreake it out agayne.
  • 17. Withdrawe thy foote from thy neighbours house: lest he be werie of thee, and so hate thee.
  • 18. Whoso beareth false witnesse against his neighbour, he is a very club, a sworde, and a sharpe arrowe.
  • 19. The confidence that is put in an vnfaythfull man in tyme of trouble, is like a broken tooth, and a sliding foote.
  • 20. Who so taketh away a mans garment in the colde weather, is like vineger vpon lime, or lyke hym that singeth songues to an heauie heart.
  • 21. If thyne enemie hunger, feede hym, if he thirst, geue him drinke:
  • 22. For so shalt thou heape coles of fire vpon his head, and the Lorde shall rewarde thee.
  • 23. The northwinde dryueth away the rayne: euen so doth an angry countenaunce a backbiters tongue.
  • 24. It is better to sit in a corner vpon the house toppe, then with a brawling woman in a wide house.
  • 25. Good newes from a straunge countrey, are as colde water to a thirstie soule.
  • 26. A righteous man fallyng downe before the vngodly, is like a troubled wel, and a spring that is corrupted.
  • 27. As it is not good to eate to muche honye, so curiously to searche the glory of heauenly thinges, is not commendable.
  • 28. He that can not rule him selfe, is like a citie whiche is broken downe and hath no walles.