Глава 18

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Глава 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
  • 1. Who so hath an earnest desire [to wysdome] he will sequester him selfe to seeke it, and occupie him selfe in all stedfastnesse & sounde doctrine.
  • 2. A foole hath no delight in vnderstanding: but onlye to vtter the fansies of his owne heart.
  • 3. When the vngodly commeth, then commeth also disdayne: and with the dishonest person commeth shame and dishonour.
  • 4. The wordes of a [wyse] mans mouth are lyke deepe waters: and the well of wisdome is like a full streame.
  • 5. It is not good to regarde the person of the vngodly, to ouerthrowe the righteous in iudgement.
  • 6. A fooles lippes come with brawling, and his mouth prouoketh vnto stripes.
  • 7. A fooles mouth is his owne destruction, and his lippes are the snare for his owne soule.
  • 8. The wordes of a slaunderer are very woundes, and go through vnto the innermost partes of the body.
  • 9. Who so is slouthfull in his labour, is the brother of hym that is a waster.
  • 10. The name of the Lorde is a strong castell, the righteous runneth vnto it and is in safegarde.
  • 11. The rich mans goodes are his strong citie, and as an high wall in his owne conceipt.
  • 12. Before destruction the heart of a man is proude: and before honour goeth humilitie.
  • 13. He that geueth sentence in a matter before he heare it, the same to hym is folly and shame.
  • 14. A good stomacke beareth out sickenesse: but the minde beyng sicke, who shall heale it?
  • 15. A wise heart possesseth knowledge, & a prudent eare seeketh vnderstanding.
  • 16. A mans gyft maketh an open way, to bryng hym before great men.
  • 17. The righteous declareth his owne cause first him selfe, and his neighbour commeth and tryeth hym.
  • 18. The lot causeth variaunce to ceasse: and parteth the mightie a sunder.
  • 19. Brethren beyng at variaunce are harder to be wonne then a strong citie, and their contentions are like the barre of a castell.
  • 20. A mans belly shalbe satisfied with the fruite of his owne mouth, and with the encrease of his lippes shall he be filled.
  • 21. Death and life are in the instrument of the tongue, and they that loue it, shall eate the fruite thereof.
  • 22. Who so findeth a wyfe, findeth a good thing, and receaueth fauour of the Lorde.
  • 23. The poore prayeth meekely: but the riche geueth a rough aunswere.
  • 24. A man that wyll haue frendes, must shewe hym selfe frendly: and there is a frende whiche is nearer then a brother.